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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I'm a little late, but I've been thinking about Nat all weekend. She was an incredibly special person, with endless love to give to so many of us. Her presence is sorely missed here, and I'm glad we were able to bring her to the forefront of VC minds on her birthday. We all miss you very, very, very, very much, Nat.
  2. Back to the comedic genius of Palin for a sec: which was obviously(?) part of her response to a question about the bailout. Her entire response makes even less sense than the excerpt in relation to the question. She has been given short scripted answers to memorize, and when the question she is asked doesn't fall in line with any of the answers she's learned, she just gives the scripted response anyway, even though it doesn't have anything to do with the question.
  3. Forbes.com Are we on Candid Camera? Seriously. Where are they hidden?
  4. You mean his 36 years as a US Senator versus 2 years as Governor of Alaska? I agree, Joe Biden has made incorrect, uninformed statements. Palin LIES. And the number of lies she's been caught in after only a month of anyone knowing or caring who she was is truly scary. Show me the "constant" stream of quotes Biden makes that are wrong and hurting Obama, please.
  5. But it says "3 Idiots". Did I read it wrong? (no sarcasm intended)
  6. I'd hardly call David Letterman an idiot for calling bullshit on McCain for lying to him about having to immediately get on a plane to DC and then going 2 doors down to do a different interview.
  7. That was actually a separate incident. This is the latest.
  8. Guess I wasn't the only one. I imagine a fax to all stations at once might have been a little quicker.
  9. Oh. I'm shocked as hell to see McCain ads but they've been running a ton of them here.
  10. Why, if the campaign has been suspended, did I see a McCain ad on TV this morning?
  11. That statement is exactly what I've been thinking all week but was too afraid to say it out loud.
  12. What a shock. This whole thing is absolutely ludicrous. I really hope most people planning to vote for them are reading between the lines and seeing straight through this scam, but something tells me that's not the case.
  13. Quantifiable comparison of President and VP experience prior to office
  14. I feel like he's hoping to "postpone" the debates until after the polls close. Not only does his campaign staff realize that Obama will cream McCain, but that they can't even trust Palin to be recorded in a photo op meeting with a foreign leader let alone left to her own devices against a seasoned debater.
  15. Yeah, and hand over the key to the principal's filing cabinet to the next in line.
  16. Dear god, I can't wait for the election. George Bush is an idiot, and if I believed he was the one making any kind of major decision on his own I wouldn't be the least bit worried. It's the people pulling his strings that concern me. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but after witnessing the degradation of this country in the last 8 years and the amount of times the law has been sidestepped to meet the needs of our leaders, I really can't rule much of anything out at this point. If, and that's a big If, they had some kind of ulterior motive to try and hang on to the presidency, I really hope th
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