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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I can't believe how many people I hear say "Valentime's Day". "Punkin" is another one that really irritates me. And "expresso"!!!
  2. I read this last night. So sad. I was more a fan of Cringer than J Church, but I liked them both. "Two Friends" is up there with one of my favorite pop punk songs. I checked out the Cringer MySpace page...he ran it. Just a few weeks ago he talked about reissuing all of the back catalog to put some money together to pay for transplant surgery.
  3. Many vibes to you and your family. It has been a tough time for grandparents lately.
  4. Or even worse, they say "myself" instead of "me". :lolI just thought they were rallying against being banned from driving their rigs in the left lane!
  5. I've been meaning to start this thread for a long time. After years of perusing message boards I've seen some pretty funny examples of common phrases that have been totally misspoken, probably for the person's entire life. Do you have any funny butchered phrases you've seen/heard? Have you been told you've had something completely wrong all these years? Have you or someone you know misunderstood the meaning of a common phrase? I want to laugh, people!!!! My examples (both seen on a message board just this week): "This girl used to live next store to me...." "He must have an alt
  6. Ah, Northampton. One of my favorite places in the world. Thanks for the information. It sounds like the type of thing that will totally infuriate me.
  7. I didn't pick up on that one. Are you sure it's her car or are they just majorly shilling Rogues (like during every commercial break)? My favorite part last night was Micah's cousin doing that crazy move around the pole.
  8. We had our family gathering yesterday and my mom brought a lot of pieces of jewelry that were to be doled out based on my grandfather's will. There were some beautiful heirloom pieces and a lot of his military medals and pins. It was really cool to see my mom and her brothers going through everything and sharing memories. Of course, the highlight of the evening was trying to figure out the origins of a very humorous, very mysterious--and yet completely expected--item; a metal sheriff style badge with the phrase "Recycling Ranger". I think that story will be lost forever.
  9. Lots and lots of vibes to both of you. I missed this yesterday, so I'm doubling up now.
  10. Thank you, everyone. I'm doing fine. I took the day off from work yesterday to have some down time. We had tickets already to see Jason Isbell. I have been really psyched to see his new band for a looong time, so even though I wasn't feeling particularly up to it, we went. I'm so glad I did. Long story short, there was hardly anyone there, and I sat on a table in front of the stage (yes, I said ON a table) and had no one even in my peripheral vision. I felt like I got my own private concert in my living room. It was outstanding. Some people might not understand how I could go to a sho
  11. Well, my grandfather passed away last night at 8:30 after surviving for 5 hours off the ventilator. He was still stronger than anyone thought, all the way to the end. Thanks to everyone for your well wishes and good thoughts.
  12. Vibes for a positive outcome!
  13. That's a good suggestion. At this point it's too late to help my grandfather (he's heavily sedated and won't wake up again) but his wife could benefit from hospice services. I'm not sure if that has been offered or if she would accept, but when I talk to my mom today I'll mention it to her. Thanks again for your thoughts, everyone. I'm kind of disconnected from the whole thing, being so far away. I love him dearly. He is one funny dude. I'll really miss him on those holidays that he would come up north for. I'm so thankful that he was able to make it to my wedding. That was his las
  14. Since we're all discussing grandparents.... My mom is on a plane right now, heading back to Florida. There is no hope left for my grandfather and she's going down to be with his wife and help her through the impossibly brutal task of shutting off the life support. We've all come to accept that he won't be recovering, but his wife has not been able to let go, which is only prolonging his suffering. The family feared that she would never consent to turn off the ventilator unless one of them was there to help give her the strength to do it. Unfortunately, my mom already spent a week there,
  15. My condolences to you and your family, Mart.
  16. Oh, Kev, that's horrible news. I've had more VC vibes than one person could ever need so I'm setting up the huge mirror to deflect some of them your way.
  17. That's terrific! Congrats to the happy couple.
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