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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Wouldn't that be a conflict of interest since he's also now doing the "I Want My Baby Back Baby Back Baby Back" song for Chili's?
  2. Initially, Jordan was reluctant to send a personal greeting, but I offered him 20 bucks and promised to buy his latest single and he changed his mind.
  3. No electronics? No social security card? No checks? I swear, that show scared me into writing down the serial numbers of everything from my cordless phone to my crappy old turntable. I took pictures of everything too. Just in case. I'm pretty sure my insurance company wouldn't take my word for it. We actually got robbed a few years ago at the house we were renting. They came through a second floor window and completely cleaned out everything that was plugged into the wall. Even the shitty old 13" TV we had in our room. They even took our change jar. We estimate they got away with
  4. OJ and Nicole's son, who I think was somewhere around 16 at the time. Like I said, he didn't come right out and say it, but he did conclude his presentation by showing a picture of the kid wearing what looks like the same hat that was found at the scene. Obviously this doesn't constitute concrete evidence, but it was just interesting how he stuck that in there and said "does that hat look familiar?" I think he was trying to plant a seed.
  5. Immediately after watching that show for the first time, I downloaded home inventory software and took stock of everything in my house. Then I bought a firesafe.
  6. Holy shit, this is amazing. Aries Spears from Mad TV live on the radio "joined by" LL Cool J, Snoop Dogg, DMX and Jay-Z. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6paE_hvFCI
  7. I saw Dr. Henry Lee (love him!) speak a couple years ago and he definitely implied that there was a possiblility OJ's son did it. But he also pointed out the shoddy police work and that because of it, no one would ever really be able to tell who the real killer was. He wasn't saying that OJ wasn't involved, however. Me? I think the bastard did it all by himself.
  8. I predict that I will be able to stomach approximately 7 minutes of the interview before either hurling or hurling my shoe into the television.
  9. Every penny earned from the book sales had better go to the victims' families. Doesn't he owe them a shitload of money from the civil trial? What a sick fucking bastard.
  10. Good for you for not leaving disappointed at the short set! That's really too bad, as when I saw them on Halloween we got 3 times as many songs as you. But I'm so glad you left with a positive experience. Poor Colin!!
  11. I'm willing to lose a little of the mystique in order to avoid contracting hepatitis or overdosing on a drug cocktail by merely handling them.
  12. http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2006...ismantling.html Those urinals are the most disgusting things I've ever seen. We have a few of the tiles from the bathroom floor. Al chipped them out with a knife at the Blondie/Dictators show the night before they closed. I told him he couldn't let them touch any surface in the house unless they were soaked in bleach first.
  13. Done. I think I'm getting the hang of this moderator deal.
  14. Bush: If you only knew how many snipers are surrounding your house right now.
  15. Boy, would I love to be able to read minds.
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