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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. The map of my city looks like a friggin' Lite Brite.
  2. I think that's what that Wikipedia thing says too, but I don't understand the part about filing a Not Guilty plea. The way it reads to me is that he paid money for the investigation, but that the charge would be dismissed in 18 months automatically after filing a Not Guilty plea. It doesn't make any sense to me.
  3. Pretty sure he pleaded not guilty. This is from Wikipedia: Deal reached On April 28, 2006, Limbaugh turned himself in to the Palm Beach County, Florida Sheriff's Office as part of a prearranged settlement to the case. He filed a "not guilty" plea with the Court and posted a $3,000 bond[36] to a single criminal charge of doctor shopping to "obtained 2,000 pills over six months".[37] The sheriff's office later announced that Limbaugh was technically "under arrest" during the booking process. Believing that this term would misleadingly invoke an image of the talk show host being handcuffed an
  4. I agree with that 100%. Just saying, nothing was ever really proven. That doesn't mean I don't think it happened....but it isn't really a good argument against this whole MJF thing because on the record he didn't do much of anything wrong.
  5. I can't believe I'm saying this, but unless I am mistaken, Rush was accused of the things you mentioned but was never formally charged with anything (except I think for one minor possession charge which he pleaded not guilty to and reached some kind of settlement without admitting any wrongdoing). With that said, I still agree that he is a pompous douchebag and I'm disgusted by his comments about Michael J. Fox. Well, about almost everything, really. He needs a filter on his mouth. Do you know where I can find that quote? I just had an hour long lunch discussion about this whole th
  6. Damn you all. I know who was arrested for that. I was trying to avoid the spoilers!!!
  7. I still enjoy a little DD from time to time.
  8. *covering ears* I did not enjoy watching Sawyer get the crap kicked out of him. Although I thought he was a total idiot for believing they installed a pacemaker.
  9. And she couldn't even speak for herself. It's not like a mob of Democrats forced Michael J. Fox in front of the camera and put words in his mouth.
  10. I just sold my LP for $65. Apparently it has gone out of print. Hey, give me a break, I'm broke right now.
  11. That shit's amazing. We should do something like that.
  12. I just hope that girl can act a little better than her debut. Her lines were the Lost equivilant of "SOILENT GREEN....IS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!"
  13. I just saw a segment on the Today show about Blu-Ray versus HD-DVD. The tech guy said even though he thought HD-DVD was better technology, there are already a lot of things being released with Blu-Ray technology so he thinks that's going to win out based on early buyers choosing what is more useful right now.
  14. To be fair, so is yelling in someone's ear, holding an overpowering conversation while someone else is singing/giving a speech/ giving a presentation, shouting at someone when they're trying to talk.....
  15. /HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU AND ASSUME THEY DIDN'T COME TO HEAR YOU SCREAM JEFF'S NAME DURING QUIET PARTS OF SONGS OR TO LISTEN TO YOU CATCH UP WITH OLD FRIENDS AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS DURING A PERFORMANCE OR TO BE SUBJECTED TO YOUR DRUNKEN IDIOCY. Not aimed directly at you, of course, but there are common courtesies that should be upheld. I have had to tell WAY too many people to shut the fuck up over the years because I could hear their conversations louder than the music. Also, there are appropriate times to show your love and appreciation for the band. Yelling out a
  16. Quite possibly the worst band name I've ever heard.
  17. I just got around to watching it last night. Who the hell chose Diddy and Fabolous to do Mike D and MCA????? Q Tip did an awesome Ad Rock though. Tribe is temporarily back together, they should have done the track. I thought the MC Lyte performance was good. I enjoyed it, although I never really listened to her. I think I'll have to look out for some of her records. Rakim was amazing, but was that ever a question? And oh my god, I hat Lil John. Was it me or did he substitute more than a few words with "krunk"?
  18. I once did a college term paper about the Yanomamo.
  19. Something else has been bugging me. We saw a couple totally new Losties when Locke and Charlie bring Eko back to the beach, which is fine because I know there are more survivors than the main characters, but what about Rose and Bernard? I loved those two and their great story. I wonder if they're coming back any time soon. EDIT: Right after I typed this I went to one of the boards and the first post I clicked on was this: "I searched, and am surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet... They gave names to two more of the survivors! We met Paolo and Nikki last night. I thought it odd that
  20. Maybe my lack of the same level of enthusiasm is because I stopped reading those damn message boards with all the crazy theories. I thought Locke's use of "u 2" in his note to Charlie was a nod to the internet junkies.
  21. That must be what it is. I don't want the show to continue on much longer alternating episodes between 4 locations. The excitement of "I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM NEXT WEEK" is sort of lost because you know you won't get any answers about this week's developments for another 3 weeks.
  22. I'm not as psyched about the show anymore. It's not bad, in fact I still think it's really good, I'm just finding that I'm not really having any WOW!!! moments this time around.
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