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Everything posted by jff

  1. That album cover... I'm hoping to see him on this tour, too. I still regret missing my last chance, which was ten years ago. And the chance before that, which was his tour with SRV.
  2. Surely that's part of it, but the person in front of me, who I tried to get to shut up in Atlanta got all huffy on me and said Wilco is his favorite band and that I was ruining HIS concert, and that unless I am Jeff Tweedy, I have no right to ask him to do anything at a Wilco concert. Of course, several songs later when Jeff Tweedy asked the audience to cut the chatter, at least during the quieter songs, did this guy shut up, even for a moment? Take a wild guess.
  3. OK, well I could be wrong about who it is. Maybe you could wait around outside Wilco's tour bus, or the side door of the venue...don't worry, that's not creepy ...and when he comes off the bus, you could ask him who it is.
  4. Fair enough, and I completely agree with the rule, but it should be noted that all of the "personal" info in this thread is nothing more than a discussion of information that was freely shared by Nels in interviews, or written by Nels with the express purpose of publication on the web. Unless I missed something, nobody seems to be trying to find out anything Nels (or anyone else in the band) wants to keep private.
  5. Saw it. That was a good program. Anytime a Nels Cline solo (even only a few seconds worth) makes it onto prime time TV, it's a good day.
  6. I'll bet if you were on your deathbed and you gave your doctor your J-45 they might try a little harder to save your life. But then you'd have to live without your J-45. Damn, now that's a catch 22.
  7. He said in that interview that he's been dating a bit lately, so probably not. Leaving romance aside for a moment, it was super cool of Carla to support Nels in joining Wilco, knowing that it would likely disrupt her musical life.
  8. Thanks for the link. I'm not sure I read that one when it came out. In the above quote, Nels was referring to his ex-wife D.D., who he mentions several times in the Watt tour diary.
  9. I don't want to dig into anyone's private personal matters, but Nels mentions his wife several times in his diary from the tour on which he met Carla (see below). I've read every interview or article I've come across on Nels since the late '90s, and I've never once seen him or anyone else state that he and Carla were married. I don't know one way or the other, and it doesn't matter either way, but I just found it odd that it was presented as fact. His tour diary from Mike Watt's Shine Box tour is worth a read (as is his diary from Watt's Clam Blow tour): http://www.hootpage.com/hoot_
  10. Ok, so here's the description from the page-a-day calendar: Model: Kay K592 Year: Circa 1964 (applies to the one pictured on the calendar) Production: Circa 1962 to circa 1964 The Kay K592 "Red Devil" brought the bold look of pointed horns to Kay's archtop line in the early 1960s, but it nevertheless represented the toning down of Kay models after the gaudy "Kelvinator" headstocks and "Kleenex box" pickups of the late 1950s. The earliest version of the model had a very simplified "Kelvinator" headstock, but by the time of this example, the peghead logo had been reduced to a stenci
  11. Hopefully this link will work: http://www.megacalendars.com/2010-Page-Per-Day-Box/Others-1/Electric-Guitars-Classics-2010-Page-Per-Day-Calendar-CB-839 I thik my wife bought mine at Waldenbooks. It's a fun calendar, but sometimes they do too many pages in a row of similar guitars. Also, despite the calendar being called "Electric Guitar Classics", a few of the guitars I've seen so far are most definitely NOT classics.
  12. No can do. The only reason I peeked is because the guitar descriptions are on the back side of each page, so it's difficult to read about each day's guitar without seeing the next day's guitar. If I read the back side of tomorrow's page before tomorrow, at best, I'll be setting a terrible precedent for myself, and at worst, it could put a wrinkle in time. I promise to transcribe it in full tomorrow morning. As a teaser, I'll say this: Just as Tweedy's guitar and the red one posted above have some minor cosmetic differences that we pointed out when this thread was new, the one in th
  13. I have a page-a-day guitar calendar, and tomorrow's page is this guitar. Tomorrow I will post what the calendar says about it.
  14. I find it funny that the two most distinguishing features of that guitar (the headstock and the pointy pickguard) are blocked in that photo.
  15. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    YAY, part 3 is up: http://www.downbeast.com/
  16. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    This is the only thing I've listened to since I got it on Saturday. Amazing stuff! Hopefully part 3 of the oral history will be posted today. I suppose if that doesn't happen, the announcement of dozens of new tour dates in the southern USA would make a pretty good consolation prize.
  17. Is this a fact? Not that it's any of our business one way or the other, but I thought they were just romantically linked, but not married.
  18. On the bright side, at least you have a good place for your dog to use the bathroom for the next week or so.
  19. As a teenager, my biggest pet peeve was that my dad always contaminated the spreadable butter with his toast crumbs. So, he got me my own bucket of spreadable butter one year for christmas, and within a few days his toast crumbs had contaminated it, too.
  20. jff

    Nels Cline Singers

    Initiate arrived in my mailbox Saturday. I haven't had a chance to listen to the live disc yet, but the studio disc is incredible, as expected. My first impression is that this is the most accessible and straight-forward recording he's released. To paraphrase Nels, it's his "most friendly, or antisocial, recording depending on your expectations." There are no 10+ minute improvs or ear pummeling noise blowouts. What there is is a bunch of focused wailing.
  21. The fact that Subway now offers toasted sandwiches as an option. I like to go to Subway on Monday and Thursday, because I like the $3.99 daily special on those days. The Subway I go to is right next to a university building and several office buildings, so there's always a crowd, and out of necessity the line moves pretty fast and a bit chaotically at times. The person in front of me always wants their sub toasted, and I do not. Therefore, my sub is ready to be dressed while their sub is still in the toaster. But they do not realize this (and hey, I know it's difficult to understa
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