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Everything posted by jff

  1. I like how he threw in a period or question mark every once in a while, always at the beginning of a sentence.
  2. Why is W sweating like a pig? And why is his arm scraped all to hell?
  3. I'm putting $100 on the table right now guaranteeing that Levi will "act" in one of those Scary Movie/Dance Flick parody movies.
  4. I think I read this in the "Here, There & Everywhere" book. It is a funny image. Funnier still is that THAT is what Lennon determined to be the ideal way to achieve the desired vocal effect.
  5. If I recall, Lennon toyed with the idea of being hung upside down and spun around to get the leslie effect on his voice. This turned out to be an unfeasible idea.
  6. That's cool that the DI track turned out good enough to keep. I never get good results with DI, but I have a very minimal setup and limited ability to dress up or add effects to the track. It's possible that the informality of the take, being that you intended it just as a guide to be replaced later, contributed something to it that may not have been there if you recorded an "official" take.
  7. Nothingsevergonnastandinmywayagain There are all sorts of ways tyou could shorten that one. eve stan andi ergo That's just for starters.
  8. My local phono expert told me to buy a gallon of distilled water and add a couple teaspoons of isopropyl rubbing alcohol. 10 lifetimes worth of D4 Liquid for only a few dollars.
  9. I had no idea this was a real person. I'm sorry he's dead, but let's be honest, his hot dogs are quite possibly the worst on the market.
  10. "Dylan Thomas...whoever he was." For a few years in the early '90s I was an aficionado of throwaway songs on albums by big name '60s artists, and this was one of my favorites.
  11. I like that era a lot, too, but focusing on them would have made a pretty narrow film. It would have been nice to include Les Paul, but he had his own documentary just a year or two ago. I think they made the best possible choice of artists when you consider that they had to feature guitarists with a high enough profile that the movie would make a profit. Maybe Eddie Van Halen would have been a better representative of the '80s. I can't think of anyone from the '90s or '00s who has a higher profile as a guitarist than Jack White. Trey Anastasio, maybe?
  12. Here's the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl9iS2egnC0
  13. Guitar World has a really good* cover story/interview with these guys this month. I can't wait to see this. *"Really good" by guitar magazine standards.
  14. The Entrance Band http://www.myspace.com/entrancerecords
  15. I'm seeing them in Atlanta on the 13th. Haven't seen them since the Washing Machine tour.
  16. If I order in the next 15 minutes can I get a second one free?
  17. Hey, cool. It was a grower for me, too. I didn't like it very much at first, but now I thoroughly enjoy it. It probably helps that I know the band, but then again, I have a lot of friends in bands and a lot of them have made albums that I think are crap. I'll try to think of some records to add to this thread. Nothing's coming to mind at the moment, but I'm sure there are a number of examples.
  18. That was a great one. By the looks of it someone put in a call to the LA musicians union and asked for their hottest 20-something string quartet.
  19. jff

    #1 Record

    What is Wilco Wilco?
  20. Wait, I thought $100 was a lot for rims. I liked seeing them, but 12:30 is significantly past my Wednesday night bedtime, and I'm paying the price today. Good performance. I'm ambivalent about the song, though. I don't mean this to sound crass, but the stand-in guitarist with the black suit and the hat that kept his face hidden struck me as a subtle macabre homage to Jay Bennett. I'm pretty sure that wasn't their intent. Like I said, it was past my bedtime.
  21. Cool, I'd love to hear what you think of it. Sorry for turning this into a Butterflies thread.
  22. What was the movie? In case it's not obvious, the album cover that shows on the amazon link is not the real album cover. It's kind of weird that the drumnmer only gives it three stars. I know she adored this band. I always saw her in the audience at their shows after she left the band. You're going to love "Birds in the Morning". Oh, I found an image for their Bored Room album cover: It's for sale on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Butterflies-Bored-Room-CD-Rare_W0QQitemZ290284997507QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMusic_CDs?hash=item4396558b83&_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116
  23. Yes, the song titles and reviews match the one I'm referring to.
  24. See if this works: http://www.amazon.com/Butterflies/e/B001LHJCFA/ref=ntt_mus_gen_pel
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