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Everything posted by jff

  1. I agree. And his Nicholas Fehn character is anoying and terrible. Armison just isn't all that good.
  2. I read at the beginning of the season that they are sticking only to the most up-to-the-minute topics, since TV in the internet age is a very slow medium. If they don't do a Biden (VP debate) sketch this weekend, you'll have a valid point.
  3. I think Zappa is great up through Zoot Allures (1976), then his output gets spotty. He still did a lot of great stuff, but not as consistently. Joe's Garage is excellent. Ship Arriving Too Late is solid. Thing Fish is probably the worst listening experience in the history of recorded music. Most of his synclavier pieces in the '80s just sound so mechanical. I can't get into that stuff no matter what. I think Zappa was full of it when he said he used the synclavier because it could do what musicians were incapable of doing. I think the truth is that he was sick of dealing with the consta
  4. Too bad the earliest material is from '64.
  5. In that case they can suck it forever.
  6. The Hendrix estate can suck it until they reissue Nine to the Universe.
  7. Poor Sledge still hasn't worked off all those gallons of ice cream he ate during his post-breakup depression.
  8. I just started reading this: I've only read a few pages, but so far I've learned that the Model T got more miles per gallon than the average new car currently on the market.
  9. I don't know if I believe that. I don't think it is realistic in my city. I'm not saying the Volt is a failure, it's just not what I'm hoping to purchase. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...toryId=89231809 "The average Atlanta resident with a job drives 66 miles every day."
  10. I guess I glossed over that sentence. I wonder how much gas the tank holds. Two gallons for 260 miles worth of electric power wouldn't be TOO bad. Any more than that defeats the purpose. I'm holding out for an electric vehicle that can get more like 100 miles per charge and uses no gasoline at all.
  11. From the article: "the Volt will be able to run for up to about 40 miles without using gasoline". and: "As the battery begins to run down as the car is in use, a small gasoline engine will turn on and generate enough electricity to drive the car about 300 miles." So after 40 miles, the Volt is just a regular gasoline powered car?
  12. We didn't hike the trail. After seeing otherwise healthy people hobbling through the Cuzco airport in pain with severely blistered feet, I was thankful we didn't hike. If I were you, I'd take the bus from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu and save your energy so you can climb to the top of Waina Picchu. It's totally worth it, but they limit the number of people that can hike up there each day, so do it first.
  13. I went less than a year ago. We used Peru For Less. They're not "less", but they did a good job. Don't miss the sacred valley tour. And go to Arequipa.
  14. Alaska Pete was hilarious. You're all crazy.
  15. As a tinnitus suffering old curmudgeon, I would have turned my ass around and gotten the hell out of there as soon as they loaded those amps onto the stage.
  16. These are far and away the best looking guitars Fender has put out in 15 years, especially the green one.
  17. My Best Friend - Queen and My Best Friend - Jefferson Airplane
  18. No, it was Lynn Westmoreland. You might remember him as the guy who wanted to display the ten commandments on the House and Senate walls, yet when asked to name the ten commandments, he could only name three. http://www.boingboing.net/2006/06/17/ten-c...dments-con.html
  19. Hey, I tinkered around with the delay pedal some more. There is no volume decrease when the effect is on. I power mine with an adaptor. I suppose it's possible that there is a volume decrease if you use a battery, or if the amp is cranked. I prefer the sound of this pedal clean vs overdriven, but I've never been thrilled with the sounds I get from my OD pedal (a cheap digitech).
  20. Interesting goal. How many silverface models were available that year? My friend has a silverface Deluxe Reverb (I don't know what year) and it always sounds incredible, even with crappy guitars.
  21. The new Princeton reissue is supposed to be amazing. 15 watts, 1x10. You can get the Deluxe reverb for only $50 more, though.
  22. Untied States Dig Shovel Dig (they might not be a band anymore) Life on Earth (a Dungen side project) Anna Kramer & the Lost Cause
  23. It's out of print. Will they try to win it on ebay for me?
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