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Everything posted by jff

  1. The Blues and Pro Juniors arer 15 watt amps. The Deluxe Reverb is 22 watts. I would think you'd get almost as much volume out ot the Blues or Pro as you would get out of the Deluxe Reverb, making either of them kind of pointless as replacements. I have the same Deluxe Reverb Reissue that you have and my 15 watt Traynor amp (when working properly...which is rarely) is just as loud as the Deluxe Rev. Even the 5 watt Epiphone pumped out some volume...definitely loud enough to wake the neighbors if I lived in an apartment. Your best bet might be to keep the Deluxe Reverb and get an attenuato
  2. Epiphone Valve Juniors are 5 watt tube amps. I used to have one, and it sounded great. I regret parting with it. Super cheap amps! This is the one I had (it was $99, probably slightly higher nowadays): I played it through a Peavey 12" cabinet, but Epiphone now makes a cool looking matching cabinet: They also make a combo version with an 8" speaker:
  3. Cool, I'll look into that. Thanks for the tip.
  4. The Subterranean was perfectly suitable for this show. It's similar in size to a lot of Atlanta venues. Could have been better air conditioned, but that was the only thing I could find to complain about. Polvo is a '90s band from Chapel Hill. Sort of a discordant, but melodic rock band. They never really made it big, but they put out five or six amazing albums in as many years. Shapes is their worst record. All the others are fantastic. We definitely did a lot while we were in Chicago. It was a successful trip.
  5. I forgot to mention... In addition to their show at the Subterranean, Polvo also played on Saturday at the Wicker Park Festival. Unfortunately I had to fly home earlier that day, so I missed out on seeing them a second time.
  6. I could only make it through a paragraph or two of that review. After listening to "We All Belong" the first time, I couldn't remember how any of it went. I actually considered trading it in. Then, somehow, it wound up as one of my favorite recent releases. Typically, if I find an album instantly appealing, the appeal goes away or greatly diminishes after a relatively short time.
  7. My wife and I decided that seeing the reunited Polvo in a smoke free venue was a good enough reason for a three day Chicago vacation. We flew up from Atlanta to Chicago last Wednesday and sayed downtown at the Conrad Hotel (super-good deal through Priceline). We arrived early enough to fit in a stroll down most of the Magnificent Mile and a dinner before sunset (dinner at Rosebud on Rush...good stuff, way too much food). After dinner we checkout out the water tower and went to the top of the Hancock building. We intended to hang out and watch the Navy Pier fireworks from the Hancock, but
  8. Thanks guys. I read somewhere that the balcony offers a good view of the stage, but I guess that's true only if you're right at the front of the balcony. I'll try to find a place on the floor. The show is sold out...hopefully not uncomfortably so. I definitely will bring hearing protection. Thanks for mentioning that. I probably would have forgotten (and still might).
  9. Hi all, I'm coming to Chicago this week and I'll be seeing Polvo at the Subterranean Lounge. Is this a decent venue? Anything I need to know that will help me enjoy the show/avoid hassles? Best place from which to view the stage...shortest bathroom line, etc. Thanks!
  10. jff


    I don't know anything baout the guys you mentioned, but I was enjoying this over the weekend:
  11. On your recommendation I got this from Netflix. Definitely some funny scenes and worth watching, but overall I thought they dragged out numerous jokes and storylines that weren't funny and/or they didn't milk the ones that had potential.
  12. No, I know you didn't mean it in a bad way. That's horrible about Toby's throat being punched. I can only imagine how much fear and worry that would cause for a singer.
  13. The guy doesn't want it, but plenty of others would cherish it. The only honorable thing to do at this point is to give it away, or have a charity auction. Or maybe an essay contest.
  14. Is this one of those "the end justifies the means" scenarios?
  15. Also, beetles are spelled beetles not Beatles. GOD IS THAT ANNOYING@!@Q!Q!!!!@!!!~
  16. Wow, even thought Nels gets asked the same questions in every interview, he never (or rarely) gives stock answers. I fully went into that interview expecting to get the exact same info as the the interview someone posted here last week, but I was wrong. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Maybe Nels approaches interviews like he approaches improvisation (not that I would know how he approaches things, I'm just throwing this out there)...he is well spoken and has a lot to say, but he doesn't try to predict what will happen or will be aksed of him, and thus is able to answer honestly and in t
  17. I'm now using one of these: Blueridge BR-143 Supposedly these are replicas of pre-war Martin 000 guitars. Sounds pretty incredible. More photos here: http://www.elderly.com/new_instruments/items/BR143.htm
  18. Firehose: "Tien an Man Dream Again" Very goofy video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REFuCV5cXOE
  19. Thanks! Glad someone on this site got to see that show.
  20. Definitely one of the best instrumentals ever, but it probably wasn't mentioned because of this (from the first post on this thread): "What are some of your favorite instrumental tracks from artists that generally incorporate lyrics?" Booker T & the MGs are amazing, but they are an instrumental band. EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see the two previous posts.
  21. No more cheesy than normal venues, which have names like Target Arena, HiFi Buys Amphitheater, Staples Center, etc. Unfortunately, for the most part, the current concert scene for big name artists isn't made up of charming places like Winterland, Ludlow Garage and the Armadillo World Headquarters.
  22. Thanks for the link. Nels mentions an upcoming gig with Scott Amendola Band w/ Jim Campilongo as a guest. It'd be cool to hear Nels with Jim Campilongo. I've recently discovered Jim and have been pretty knocked out.
  23. Alice in Blunderland - Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band 20 Small Cigars - Zappa Embryonic Journey - Jefferson Airplane (really just Jorma Kaukonen) Flying - Beatles
  24. I saw Jerry Lee Lewis 10 years ago at a huge suburban country & western nightclub inside what was once a K-Mart. He started two hours after the opening band had finished. He was playing a cheesy keyboard with a wooden thing in front of it that I think was supposed to make it look like a baby grand piano. Probably the most disappointing concert of my life.
  25. Yeah, it's a sad day. Apparently the casino industry is really going down the tubes.
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