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Everything posted by jff

  1. I'll bet the library doesn't have Year of the Horse.
  2. I use both. I love the library, but their dvd selection is significantly weaker than Netflix. I did get "Who Killed..." from the library, though, and was able to remove it from my Netflix queue. I love it when that happens...same thing happened this weekend with "Jesus Camp" (which I found surprisingly uncompelling).
  3. Too bad it's spiral bound. If it were a three ring binder you could throw away all the pages and have a pretty rad binder.
  4. Unless I'm mistaken, the electricity in my part of the country is mostly derived from coal. We don't import our coal from the middle east. EDIT: My power company hopes to convert some of their coal plants to biomass plants, so an electric car would be even more environmentally friendly than I thought: http://bioenergy.checkbiotech.org/news/200...ant_to_biomass/
  5. So far I really like it. I've only played it by myself, so I can't comment on how it fits in the context of a band. I'll play with it some more over the weekend and try to let you know about the volume, overdrive, etc. I did not notice a drop in volume when the pedal is on, but I'll focus on that next time I play it. Some of the settings are very David Gilmour-esque.
  6. This book will prove that touring is incredibly boring. Wow, we get to find out how late room service is available and how long it takes to get from the airport to the hotel. Who is interested in that kind of information? Maybe if we're lucky we can find out if the janitor was summoned to Pat Sansone's room after a giant post-show dump clogged his toilet.
  7. I don't think utility companies are evil. However, I would like to have solar panels on my roof. I might look into that. Then I would be generating (or harnessing) some of the energy I use.
  8. In my case, a Prius probably would cost more, because I have two cheap, fuel efficient, payed-off cars (with very little trade in value). I'm hoping my next car will be electric. Hybrid MPG , frankly, is not that impressive to me since I've been getting close to 40 MPG in my $9,000 Hyundai Accent since 1999 (and I still only have approx. 60k miles on it).
  9. If I bought a Prius (or other hybrid) it would not be to save money. It would be to have more control over where my money goes. If, in the end, it costs an equal amount of money to buy and drive a Prius as it does a less expensive and less fuel efficient car, at least with the Prius I'd be giving a smaller chunk of money to the oil companies and a larger chunk to a company that is making efforts in the right direction.
  10. That wouldn't quite fit, but a Mini might.
  11. Are we married? I have an xB. I once fit the following in mine xB (though it was not comfortable, luckily we only had to go about a mile): my entire drumset, two electric guitars (in cases), a bass guitar (in a case), a medium sized bass amp, two small guitar amps, a milk crate full of doo-dads, my wife and my guitarist. Fitting a drumset in a Mini doesn't surprise me. When i got my first set of drums the salesman (a hair metal guy) said he could fit his 9 piece double bass set in his 280-Z. We also managed to fit an Ikea couch in our Scion, but we had to tie down the hatch (which
  12. I haven't had to replace any tubes in mine yet. What do you recommend for replacements? Price?
  13. They look cool, too...the old version, anyway: The new version looks less cool, but still pretty sharp:
  14. Some places decrease the taxable value of homes owned by the elderly. When we bought our house from an elderly couple, the taxable value of the house tripled. Taxes on our house (a 3/2 brick ranch on something like 1/4 or 1/3 of an acre) ten miles from Atlanta are in the $2500-$3000 range. We have low taxes, I guess, because most of the taxes go to the public schools and our schools are basically the laughingstock of the industrialized world.
  15. Who? What? Oh wait, I think I figurted it out. Chrissy Hynde. AATW = All Along the Watchtower? An acronym for a Dylan song made (more) famous by Hendrix, while referring to the possibility of Neil Young inviting Wilco on stage with him. Maybe they'll do WTLB, but that would have been more topical a few years ago.
  16. Don't ask your agent to recommend a home inspector. Find your own inspector. Otherwise, the one you get might be more on the agent's side than yours.
  17. Maybe his behavior was an attempt to get kicked out of his band. A lot of people are SO afraid to quit that they pull all sorts of stunts to get kicked out.
  18. That's what I have. It's awesome. It's only 22 watts, but it cranks out some volume. A lot pf people love the Peavey Classic 30. That was on my short list when i was looking for amps, but I never found a used one. A 2X12 amp might be harder to find. Unless I'm mistaken, everything that's been mentioned so far is 1X12 (except maybe the THD...I'm not familiar with those). The fender hot rod series has a 4X10 that sounds great, but it's kind of large.
  19. Welcome to bar gig boot camp. Good for you for telling that guy to get lost. You don't get on someone else's stage uninvited. In my experience, when someone asks if they can sit in, the answer is almost always yes. In that case, you play together and probably make a lasting friendship. Usually when someone gets on stage uninvited you wind up with an enemy...or if that's too harsh, at the very least you wind up with someone who owes you an apology. This just shows that you have to be prepared for anything, and the problems usually won't be something you're expecting. It sounds like
  20. jff

    I fear

    I basically agree. I still hold up Nels' solo on "Ashes..." from their first Austn City Limits performance as an example of how amazing this lineup can be, and perhaps as an example of how this lineup can do things no other lineup could have pulled off.
  21. jff

    I fear

    Blaming Nels is off target. If you've watched the dvd that comes with SBS you'd know that SBS is what it is because it is what Tweedy wanted it to be. He wanted to put out a simple "song" album and not a "soundscape" album, for lack of a better word. He didn't seem to be in the mood to labor in the studio. He stated his case very clearly. We should all have a pretty good idea by now of Nels' musical/sonic range based on hearing his decades worth of non-Wilco output. It's not mediocre, and none of it pedestrian, even that which is not particularly good (see: Bloc). It's probably true t
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