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Everything posted by jff

  1. RIP Jimmy Carl Black http://www.jimmycarlblack.com/
  2. "None of the authors have ever had the courtesy of asking me to elaborate on my own music--500-page books and not one word did they want from me--on anything, ever. I have tried to offer up help and am refused. They have flat out refused all insight from me. :-)" Just the thought of Van typing a ":-)" changes everything I thought I knew about him. Conversely, if the ":-)" was added by the author, that would confirm every assumption I've ever held about music writers.
  3. Thanks for that. Watt and Nels make such great interview subjects. This reminds me, I was sent a copy of State of Mind magazine a year or two ago, and I was impressed by the quality. I intended to order a subscription, but it slipped my mind. I'll try to remember to do that this weekend.
  4. Was The Flock before Mahavishnu? I though The Flock came after. I just listened to Dinosaur Swamp last week. I've still never heard their first album.
  5. Jukebox licensing Q&A: http://www.jukeboxlicense.com/Q_A.htm#responsibility
  6. wow, there are some real lame-asses on that hi-def forum.
  7. You're wrong. The socialist coments immediately and directly resulted from Obama saying "spread the wealth" to joe the plumber. It had nothing to do with specifics.
  8. Anything featuring Carla Kihlstedt. She is an astonishing violinist, and an excelllent singer, too. She's high on my list of favorite living musicians. Good places to start would be anything by Tin Hat Trio or Two Foot Yard. Another good violinist is Jenny Scheinman. This is a real nice album by her: Bonus...both of these women have played with Nels Cline.
  9. 1st Row - John McLaughlin Trio 4th Row - The Who - The Kids Are Alright Tour 8th Row - Wilco AGIB tour 3rd Row - Pearl Jam (I think this was their tour for Vitalogy) - I sold these to a ticket broker and used the money to go see the Grateful Dead for two nights in Ohio. I feel dirty about that on several levels.
  10. There used to be a small bar in Atlanta that had live music on weekends. They had a jukebox, for which they payed the appropriate fees. Some goons from ASCAP showed up and started hassling the owner because the bar hosted live music. I don't remember the exact amount they demanded, but it was in the thousands and the business had no choice but to close (actually, they turned into a thrift store/flea market for a few months, then closed). The bands that played there were all small time local bands who were not affiliated with BMI/ASCAP or whoever else, and who were not playing cover tunes.
  11. That will probably be true. I don't know what your early voting process is like where you live, but in my county there are six places you can go to vote early. On election day there will be 192 voting locations in my county. Since 35+% of voters in my county have already voted, I can't imagine it taking longer on Nov. 4 than it's been taking so far.
  12. Trick question since Koalas aren't bears.
  13. I agree, but in my case I can see another side to the argument...not that I agree with it. In Georgia, so many people have already voted (1.3 million so far, out of 5 million registered voters), that I believe November 4 will actually be the quicker option this year. There will be lots more voting precincts, each serving a smaller population area and each probably with more voting machines than the early voting locations have. Subtract from the mix the voters who have already voted, and subtract the time it takes to fill out the somewhat confusing form that is required for early voting and
  14. My wife and I voted Monday after work in Atlanta. We got there at 5pm and were done a few minutes after 7. There were hundreds of people in line and 15 voting machines. Not too bad. Some places in GA have had 8 hour waits. It's amazing that Georgia basically tied this year (or was a few days ago, anyway). Usually we're as red as it gets.
  15. STP had Meat Puppets with them when I saw them in the '90s. That's cool that they're playing together again. At the time I wasn't a fan of either band, I was just tagging along with some friends (and because I knew Meat Puppets was a band I should like based on them having been on SST Records). I don't remember the concert much, but I remember being impressed that STP played an excellent version of David Bowie's "Andy Warhol".
  16. Planet Waves is a good album. There was a year or two in the late '90s in which that was the main Dylan album I listened to. At this point, I'd rather hear just about any Dylan album other than Blood on the Tracks. I'm not going to say anything bad about it. I've just heard that one too much, I guess. Nowadays I'm all about the pre-Highway 61 albums.
  17. Thanks. I just realized my mistake, and was coming back to correct my post.
  18. Her husband is GOP media consultant Wade West. http://www.bluetidalwave.com/2008/10/confl...journalist.html EDIT: Sorry, someone beat me to it.
  19. True. Most bands from that era have at least one dead band member, or one who quit and never came back. The only other bands I can think of from the early/mid '70s that are intact are Rush and ZZ Top.
  20. We had $2.07 on Saturday in Atlanta. Cars were lined up by the dozens at QuickTrip, even though Marathon had the same price right across the street with no line.
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