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Everything posted by jff

  1. Is there some reason why we can't make both a priority, or are you being thick? Here's Hilary's short list: http://abovethelaw.com/2016/08/hillary-clintons-supreme-court-shortlist-11-scotus-possibilities/
  2. I don't know if there's a list, but... https://thinkprogress.org/trump-says-he-will-delegate-supreme-court-appointments-to-the-heritage-foundation-f0a51790683c#.lnhghvkhr
  3. My copy arrived last week, but it wasn't until yesterday that I finally played it. I thought it was really incredible. The "cover tunes", for lack of a better word, appear to run in chronological order, with some Nels originals mixed in. It'll take several listens to digest, but my first impression is that Nels and his team really knocked it out of the park. It's certainly different than what you might expect if you were a fan of, say, the Nels Cline Singers, Interstellar Space Revisited, or Destroy All Nels Cline. This is the only Nels album that you could get away with playing when family
  4. If you like all of those, you'll probably like all of it. From Trout Mask, the next step is Lick My Decals Off Baby. Or working backwards from Trout Mask, Strictly Personal. That's where they really start getting bonkers. Mirror Man is sort of an offshoot of Strictly Personal, but it's pretty forgettable. From Ice Cream for Crow, the next steps would be Doc at the Radar Station or Shiny Beast (Bat Chan Puller), or if you can find it, Bat Chain Puller, an unjustly rejected album which was mostly re-recorded as Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) with a mostly different group of musicians.
  5. Absolutely. People too often focus just on the US Supreme Court, and ignore (or are ignorant of) the fact that in a single term, a president appoints 150 or more judges to the various federal courts. Since the vast majority of federal court cases never make ti to the Supreme Court, these lower courts have a massive influence on our legal system. This should be something every voter thinks seriously about.
  6. I've never listened to Backstreet Boys, but all those other guys have some good songs. I'll bet half of Wilco fans would agree.
  7. Haha, sorry if I came across that way. Not my intent. Her comment might hurt her in the polls, but I don't know that existing polling reflects it yet. She'll probably also take a hit because the health rumors are gaining traction. And the Matt Lauer forum probably did more harm than good.
  8. That's not what I asked. Clinton said "basket of deplorables" on Friday. The poll numbers you linked were released on Sunday, based on polling that took place before she said it. So, again, do you think those numbers are what they are because of Clinton's "basket of deplorables" statement?
  9. Do you believe these numbers are because Clinton's said "basket of deplorables"?
  10. Do you know that most presidents make between 150 and 200 federal judge appointments in a four year term? That alone is reason enough to vote FOR Clinton.
  11. I think the number of undecideds who are leaning towards Trump but will end up voting for Clinton is statistically insignificant. So, while that scenario could happen, it shouldn't be cause for concern.
  12. I don't know what that means in this context.
  13. That's a huge stretch. She was clearly speaking about the entrenched Trump voter, and not undecideds or independents, or Johnson or Stein voters, or the Bernie or Bust crowd. Only the voters who are all-in for Trump.
  14. The real headline should be Loudmouth anti-Political Correctness jackasses butthurt now that they're on the receiving end of Politically Incorrect statement.
  15. I hope so, too. I've never been there, but it's been on my to-do list if I ever make it back to LA. I believe Nels used to work at this store.
  16. It sounds like they'll be around a few more years, and then move to another location. They sold their building, but that doesn't mean they're going to close. Businesses move all the time due to rising rents or any number of other reasons. It's actually refreshing when a business can sell their building for loads of money, then move and keep it going from a position of strength.
  17. This is how all music is for me. Albums I love on first spin almost always lack staying power. Some of my favorite albums ever left me confused as to whether or not I even enjoyed them, but something about them made me want to listen again right away. I probably would have listened to Schmilco again right away, but I bought five records on Saturday and I wanted to hear the other ones before replaying Wilco.
  18. Got my copy on Saturday. Listened once, and I like it so far. It always takes me a few listens to form a real opinion, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Petty complaint...vinyl version comes in the thinnest protective sleeve I've ever seen, which is then wrapped in another plastic sleeve which is too large to be useful. Both went straight into the trash. I don't feel good about that. Just shrink wrap it.
  19. I'm glad this thread exists. I used to use Audacity (a pretty solid and useful program), but it's been a while, and I've been trying to remember the name "audacity" months.
  20. Here's a great interview with the entire band. They spend a good bit of time on the stripped down nature of the tour for Schmilco. http://consequenceofsound.net/2016/08/a-wilco-state-of-touring-on-going-acoustic-rotating-setlists-and-patient-fans/
  21. I haven't read this yet, but I'm placing it here for later because I know it will vanish from my FB feed and I won't be able to find it later. Feel free to read and discuss. http://www.redeyechicago.com/music/redeye-jeff-tweedy-wilco-stories-behind-songs-personal-playlist-20160902-story.html
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