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Everything posted by jff

  1. Yeah, it's kind of weird for Gregg to say "Oteil's out, he's with Zac Brown now" and then say "These days we only do the Beacon run and one monthi in the Summer." I don't see why Oteil can't do both bands. Surely when Oteil negotiated to join Zac Brown he could have told them he has five weeks worth of commitment every year to the ABB.
  2. I would rather listen to Aerosmith than Slayer. Why is a connection necessary? I'd also rather listen to Sesame Street Fever than any opera.
  3. I think I'd rather listen to Spacehog than Stone Roses.
  4. The Stone Roses deserve nothing more than footnote status in the history of British pop. I saw John Wesley Harding open for the Violent Femmes once. It was a more enjoyable 40 minutes that Dylan's John Wesley Harding.
  5. With the exception of the post-Beatlemania '60s it seems to me that was always the case.
  6. I used to have the goal of acquiring every official Dylan release and listening to them chronologically, one record a day until I heard everything. But then I asked myself why I would subject myself to all of the drudgery that would begin after the first week and continue for months.
  7. That is a solid album, but it was preceeded by three spotty ones.
  8. I'm inclined to agree, although I'd be a bit more lenient and give him until 1982 before he started getting spotty (post-Imperial Bedroom).
  9. I'm sure that's true for some people, but is way too broad of a statement. I used to go see the Dead a lot, and I still like them (although I have no interest in their post Jerry activities). I used to see Phish a lot, too, but they lost me around Hoist. It felt to me like their music started getting more serious, and the appeal started to wear off. DMB I never liked because literally everything about their sound and the way the musicians play is unappealing to me. I respect them for being a hard working band who earned their status through years of hard touring. I also recognize the
  10. I hope Kiss performs at the HOF in their Dressed to Kill suits.
  11. I can see why peope would feel this way. I didn't like them all that much at first. I owned the Big Star recordings for a long time before I really started to like them. Now I like them very much, aside from Third, which I still feel is a terrible, depressing mess. But I'll probably eventually really enjoy that one, too. Maybe "enjoy" is the wrong word for a record like that.
  12. My mom is a 2nd grade teacher and I've seen photos of her hugging her students. If I go to her house for christmas will that make me an accessory to child pornography?
  13. I have been on the receiving end of it, here and in person. I don't remember the exact comments or who they were from (I do remember the in person ones), but it was along the lines of people being so aghast that they wonder if I even like rock music at all. It didn't hurt my feelings or anything, it's just a bizarre phenomenon that I have noticed.
  14. So are Dash Rip Rock and Flat Duo Jets. Where are their cults?
  15. It's not about Television in particular. I was just naming a band that is pretty widely respected. Insert Uncle Tupelo instead and the backlash would still not be what you get for saying anything lower than the highest of praise for the Replacements.
  16. The thing is there are a lot of bands that can be described with those exact words, but the Replacements are the only one (well, the Clash, too) that gets you shunned if you don't bow down to them. I find that very odd and cult like. If someone comes on here and says "You know, I think Television is a pretty worthless band" there wouldn't be a tenth of the backlash.
  17. Yes, I have. There's nothing wrong with those records, but I find that the appetizer of wildly gushing praise combined with the aftertaste of disdain if you don't consider it the best thing ever has a tendency to ruin what would otherwise be a moderately enjoyable experience. In part. Sports fans are more rabid in certain parts of the country. I think it's largely the same with music fans. Midwest fans tend to be pretty rabid in their loyalty. Well, he's worthy of the praise so it's a bit different. Some people can get away with being from Florida. However, it's worth considering tha
  18. Agreed (although sloppy drunk live performances can be quite good sometimes). Sure, they have some good songs, but so do many, many other bands that don't get 1/1000 the notoritety The Replacements get. It's baffling, really. Let's face it, if "the Mats" were the exact same band, but they were from Florida, nobody would give a shit about them.
  19. They are. No fucking way Gene Simmons would pass up the opportunity for screen time and self promotion.
  20. Everything is bigger in Texas except for the size of the dick on whoever wrote that article.
  21. I doubt it, too. His ego is way to big not to be part of this spectacle.
  22. What do y'all know about Chicago Stompworks? Their "Green Thing" Tube Screamer clone looks nice, and is cheap by small builder standards. http://reverb.com/item/39274-chicago-stompworks-green-thing-2013-ts-808-tubescreamer-clone
  23. I had no idea about this Black Friday Record Store Day business, but I did go to a record store that day and got the mono pressing of Kind of Blue. I also got Kashmere Stage Band Out of Gas but Still Burning.
  24. Maybe. I'd be interested to see a close up photo of that kit. It could be that he uses a tripod-less hi-hat stand so he'll have floor space for stands that hold some of his other stuff.
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