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Everything posted by jff

  1. That sucks. I would be furious and completely over it. There are a lot of great Teles out there if you decide to get your money back and shop around. Buying used would be a good way to punish Fender.
  2. Jay's response was "I don't know what that means."
  3. Do You Dig Worms? - - Beach Boys
  4. Recently posted youtube videos on this forum. I can't pinpoint the exact video. It could be the new-found clarity of his voice combined with his always present accent that makes the accent more prominent to my ears. False. Senor Wrongtious, maybe.
  5. That's a good way to state it. Exactly the words I was looking for but couldn't find. Every singer's voice changes eventually, so I don't hold it against him or think he's phoning it in or anything like that. It's just lost many of the characteristics that drew me in in the first place, and it was mostly the vocals that attracted me to this band, so it's a bit of a comedown for my fandom. His accent also seems to be more pronouced now, which is neither a good nor bad thing, imo.
  6. I gotta say I'm pretty burned out. I still like most of the recordings, but something has happened to Jeff Tweedy's voice that I don't particularly like. Still a solid band, but it seems like Tweedy is using a different singing technique, maybe as a result of aging, and it isn't coming across in a way that appeals to me very much.
  7. Is Reeves Gabrels in The Cure now? I agree he and Nels wopuld be an interesting pairing.
  8. Since DMB has come up, did any of you see the article yesterday about their violinist having 400k embezzled from him by his personal assistant? That provides at least a hint into how much those guys earn. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/dave-matthews-violinist-victim-400000-592448
  9. I tried to make a similar point about careers and general pay scales, but abandoned it due to clumsy wording, so I'm glad you made that point.
  10. As an amateur musician, the answers to these types of questions are interesting to me. There's a fine line between minding ones own business and finding out info that may be relevant to ones career aspirations. I wouldn't pry for this info, but I enjoy knowing about these things when freely offered. On a somewhat related note, several years ago Nels wrote about his experience recording a few tunes with the Blue Man Group. Neither Nels nor anyone in the Blue Man Group had the slightest idea how much Nels should be paid for his services. i guess they could have used union scale as a gui
  11. It's probably safe to say that nobody in Wilco, with the possible exception of Tweedy, could retire today and be set for life. By that metric, they are not wealthy.
  12. ^^The record that song comes from was the Watt tour that Foo Fighters opened. Watt's band for that tour was Grohl/Watt/Vedder. Eddie Vedder was surprisingly sufficient on guitar, although they had Pat Smear come out to play on some songs.
  13. I did not know that. Interesting.
  14. I saw Foo Fighters on their first tour, opening for Mike Watt before they had released anything (I think). Pat Smear was with them then. Not trying to nit-pick you, just remembering a cool show.
  15. You're still leaving out all of their other revenue streams. Not having to go back to your job at Captain D's when the tour is over.
  16. Who are the two in Foos? Grohl and Pat Smear?
  17. That's a matter of personal perception. I didn't thik any of it was arrogant. If they own the loft, they are in real estate.
  18. Same reason they'd participate in an article about their music. It's something they do and have been successful at, people are interested in it, so why not talk about it?
  19. Prior to this article, were they giving you the impression they're trying to dodge those types of questions?
  20. Is there a reason why they shouldn't have participated? Maybe they feel like they've finally arrived at their ideal business model and sharing information about it might help other bands in some way.
  21. The $9m figure was gross for ticket sales only. They also earn income from record sales/downloads, merch, and song licensing. I don't know if they're wealthy (although it's safe to say Tweedy is pretty well off), but the $9m is only one of the piles of money they're working with.
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