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Everything posted by explodo

  1. You nailed the songs I don't like at all and also nailed the songs I love. I guess there are four instead of 2-3.
  2. I listened to Funeral yesterday at work and decided that it really hasn't aged very well. I still enjoy 2-3 songs on it, but the rest seemed average and a few songs seemed horrible. But I always thought at least two songs were pretty bad. But whatevs. Stille very excited for the new record and the live show is what makes the band in my mind anyway. In fact, I think seeing them live kind of ruined Funeral for me.
  3. Hmmm. I can only assume yours is the correct listing, as you have a promo... I'll have to change mine up.
  4. Just grabbed it and will be listening as soon as Menomena winds up. Or actually, once I stop the stream because I don't like it.
  5. Not no good but also not great or anything. I don't know what I expected, to be honest. His voice bothers me more and more on each successive album. I do like the direction musically so I'm still excited for the full-length.
  6. I'm getting antsy. Both for the album leak and the inevitable Ames, Iowa show. Oh, wait...
  7. It feels so very good to have Brady finally choke. Yay, Colts.
  8. I'm very surprised by the favorable accounts in this thread. I'd heard very little good about the record and I hated (too weak of a word, really) it on first listen but I think I'll have to go back and listen again.
  9. The thread title gave me a great idea for next year's Letters to Santa auction. Living room shows are on the out!
  10. Going as soon as possible. It won't be here forever, but when it is, I'll be there. EDIT: Yummy. Just saw that it will supposedly be in Davenport this weekend and I will be in Davenport this weekend. Holla.
  11. Then it was just boring. It felt like I was watching that third Lord of the Rings movie. I was so bored that I ended up looking around the theater at other people a lot of the time. As I said, the world presented was fabulous - scary as hell and realistic - but the characters were, as far as I'm concerned, stock and predictable.
  12. I didn't like this movie. Very real (aside from the spoiler above and the :TINY SPOILER: people not shooting him while he was pushing that car :END SPOILER:), great cinematography, but I didn't find myself caring about any of the plot at all. It was dull and way too long. You obviously know how the movie is going to end so you're just kind of sitting there waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Too little to the film to have me accepting these long stretches of waiting.
  13. Bad to the max. Worse than I had ever imagined it could be even after initial poor reviews started trickling out. I pray it gets better, but honestly, I kind of doubt I'll give it the time.
  14. I just heard that. Yummy. Now let us hope that I don't have anything too important going on in school on the 20th.
  15. Happy birthday, bean sack. May it be full of rainbows and the like.
  16. Would I really let a birthday slip by without wearing the celebratory pant leg? I doubt it. Thanks, all. It's been a good day. You're too sweet.
  17. Saw these dates yesterday and got very excited. I saw them live once and they were what you would expect. Fun, but not change your life amazing or anything of that sort. Should be a hoot, regardless.
  18. How is this? I've been ignoring it for awhile now but very curious.
  19. No argument here. Don't worry, in six months I'll be your neighbor. We can go drink Miller Lite together.
  20. Goose Island makes some delicious beer. You are obviously a fucktard.
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