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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. I love the Stripes but kind of gave up on them recently. I find it weird they haven't done anything in what 3 years then now they announce they broke up? Why now?
  2. http://www.aolnews.com/2011/01/27/space-shuttle-challenger-disaster-25th-anniversary-where-were-y/?icid=maing%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%7C39700 Remember watching it in 1st grade classroom. I can't imagine how the teacher tried to explain it to us but I remember how horrifying it was.
  3. Oye! On the last week of CBGB's existence something pretty cool happened to me. I walked by the door with a friend from out of town. Spoke to the guy at the door. I said I know this place won't exist in the next few days and I got a friend from out of town would you mind if we checked it out. He said no problem. So here I was me and my friend and we had CBGB's all to ourselves including the backstage and it was cool to soak it in be for demolition!
  4. Yeah was a great show. I even snagged Mr. Olsons setlist after the show! The band sounded great! Crowd seemed to dig it. Some interesting songs after the Hollywood album were played. Only 2 complaints which are minor. Karens instruments need to be turned WAAAAY up! Also, was really, really hoping to hear some Bunkhouse as they played some in Toronto! Here is hoping for tonight!
  5. I would have never guessed...Was one of my favorite shows of the year in 2009 when I saw them in NYC
  6. That is funny...but how do the Editors go along with the theme? Is that really Bro rock?
  7. Was at the NYC show and it was flippin' sweet! They did screw up the order and played Sick of Goodbye's in front of Sweet Potato and ommited the final part of Kerosene Hat when they sing about Sorbet head! Still an unbelievable show!
  8. Wow this will be an expensive Jayhawks month. Going to both Webster Hall shows, buying reissue vinyl of HTH TTGG and I guess now both 2 cd sets!
  9. It grew on me. Love King of Kings, Falling Star, Six Pack
  10. Good news for Adam! http://www.popeater.com/2011/01/07/adam-yauch-beats-cancer/
  11. http://www.popeater.com/2011/01/05/lost-numbers-lottery/ Crazy stuff!
  12. Wow and I thought I went to a ton of shows this year... My top shows in no order Editors-Terminal 5 Wilco- Wellmont nights 1 and 2 Nada Surf (Performing Let Go and Weight as a Gift)-Bell House, Bowery Echo and The Bunnymen- Kenswick Theater Jonsi-Terminal 5 Arcade Fire-MSG The Charlatans UK-Maxwells LCD Soundsystem-Wellmont Foals-Music Hall of Williamsburg Jeff Tweedy-Bowery
  13. Call me crazy but Pop I feel is very underated. I love Pop..just bought on LP in fact this month. It is a fun late night driving album. It is my 3rd fav after Achtung and Unforgettable Fire...Pop has unusual songs not replicated since by U2...I kind of lost interets with U2 after that but POP really stuck with me as it was a real grower and it was also the first time I saw U2 live and something just clicked!
  14. All depends on airplay which is non existant these days....I guess that means the same one who bought Accelerate will buy this album...REM's popularity really has fallen off a cliff since 96-98 and I guess that is ok with me as long as they keep making albums and touring. Of course I wish them success but it would shock me if anyone notices the new album.
  15. Everyone..."Listen, listen to the Auctioneer"! Can't wait...if you couldn't tell by my screen name!
  16. Ahh that would make sense...in NJ now used to shop in Newbury when up in Mass..now use the.com...
  17. Love Newbury! How does the sale work...is there a code or does it automatically come of at checkout? Thanks!
  18. REM Radiohead Cure Blur/Gorillaz Charlatans UK Beck Medeski, Martin and Wood Cracker Springsteen Yay New Order! I would also give later Duran Duran a chance Astronaught and Pop Trash were good albums!
  19. Yeah I am already used to reading labels for most of my life. The thing that always upset me is I love asian food but they use alot of fish oil, sesame oil and other mysterous fish. I have to be so careful when I eat asian foods. Also every time I buy products at the asian grocery stories I have to read the long laundry list of ingrediants because there usually would be the warning made in a plant that processes fish or sesame was used. Hopefully it will make my life easier in this aspect as I can now disregard some of the ingrediant checking... The biggest challenge with the fish allergy (a
  20. So for the 3rd time in my life I went to visit an allergist. My whole life I have been "allergic" to all seafood/shellfish in addition to coconut, seasame seeds and penacilin. I was told when I was very young it could be potentially life threatening if I ever ate fish especially shellfish. With that dire warning I avoided it my whole life (now age 30). Aproximatley 5 years ago I went to an allergist and he confirmed I was allergic to all fish. We are switching insurance plans at the end of the year to a less diserable one so my wife insisted maybe I should visit the allergist once again. La
  21. Wilco outside of Manhattan is better..Wellmont and Brooklyn were both phenominal...
  22. That sounds like some brush, brush...sometimes venues don't handle these situations well and it is up to us the concert goer to self police.
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