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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Still listening but so far so good
  2. Don’t know if push case to shove if I’d ask something at the show but here are some I’d ask if I feel inclined..what would you ask? 1) I hear you and Jay are on better terms these days could you ever invision playing a show with Jay in the future? 2) The change is style from Being there to sunmerteth was drastic was that intentional? What was the thinking into recording summerteeth 3) How often do you look at and honor the song request on the web page? 4) How hard was it to adjust to Glenn style from Kens?
  3. Yep! That’ll be good! Saw them in concert in 2007 were great
  4. Ahh at least you didn’t ask me to say who the f are you?
  5. I like The Who not the worlds hugest fan but enjoy them. Anyway Roger is doing a book signing near my house Thursday that I’m going to. I usually like to ask a question when it’s my turn. So give me your best ones!
  6. The fez! I used to see shows there good times
  7. Can’t beleve it’s been 15 years already
  8. Nine Inch Nails/Jesus & Mary Chain
  9. I’d rather they remove him and pence from office and throw him in jail but yeah he’s rotten to the core
  10. President rump wants the remove protest in front of the White House! What a snowflake and welcome to communist America
  11. It should be a slam dunk for the cure and Radiohead but the hall is soo screwey we shall see I guess!
  12. Yes I was being sarcastic I agree with all your reasons why they’re moving so quick it’s so disheartening that our country is run by a pure evil empire now
  13. Well looks like the republicans raped all of America with their sham fbi investigation. Wonder why they are trying to cram him through so quick
  14. Hey millions in tax fraud also added to trumps list of accomplishments same fraud to lesser extent sent Wesley Snipes and Lauryn Hill to jail for awhile!
  15. For Brooklyn vip is extra $10 includes front seats that’s the only difference still everyone gets a signed book!
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