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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  2. I can think of plenty of reasons to dislike our new CiC and his policies, this really isn't one of them. I'm pretty sure the justice department isn't bothering him too much about this.
  3. They may be able to pass a bill that requires a withholding rate of 100% on bonuses funded by Federal bailout money, but I can
  4. I've watched Cramer for a combined total of about 2 hours in my entire life and have yet to shift any of my 401K or IRA funds based upon his input. I did read a couple of his books and some others he recommend as well. Now if this interview costs him his show because people followed his every word as investing gospel I'm fine with that, but they had no business using the Mad Money program as an investment tool in the first place. Finally something I can agree with you libs on.
  5. I'm not arguing that at all. Do you go and rebuild car transmissions in your spare time after listening to Car Talk on NPR?
  6. Not any chance, of course we all know it was no surprise that this interview would be welcomed warmly here. I think other than Cramer peddling a bunch of his books to the unsuspecting his sin's are pretty minor. If people think they can make a bunch of money in the market by watching TV and following whatever talking head flavor of the week is on, they shouldn't be managing their own portfolios.
  7. I just coughed a partially chewed orange Spree into my nasal passage and I think I may die. P.S. Summerteeth
  8. Do people actually base their stock market investments on information they get from this program?
  9. So conversely, do you think that people in Somalia who post on semi-obscure former alt-country message boards complaining about the current state of business/economy are told to move to America and try their luck and then they can talk?
  10. I think Rush is kind of a douche, but six paragraphs denouncing him on a Wilco message board may be a bit much, no?
  11. Thanks for the compliment Bunk, I did have help though (i.e. an underling wrote it for me and I just took credit and received an obscene compensation package for it). What does opening a business in Somalia have to do with this?
  12. Prince Metallica w/Cliff Black Crowes in a small club in central MN (1989/90?) SRV & Double Trouble Ryan Adams & The Cardinals (& The Cedar)
  13. Why do you come to VC regularly? It
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