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Everything posted by Groo

  1. Balls, I wish I had heard about this sooner.
  2. Forgive me for my ignorance, but I hear this stuff mentioned all the time, and I am not totally sure what it refers to. The uncomfortableness doesn't stem from the shape of the guitar itself, but how my fingers feel on the fingerboard. Playing an American Tele feels fantastic, it's like playing a stick of butter with spaghetti noodles. It feels warm, fantastic. Playing this guitar makes me fingertips burn, like they do when I play cheaper Squiers. The finish on the neck itself is OK. It's not as bad as the plasticy finish I've seen on some Squiers, but not as nice as the Americans. PS T
  3. Just took it over to him last night. It took him a couple hours, but here it is: For some reason, these pictures turned out really dark. The color of the guitar is a Midnight Wine. Here are my impressions: The guitar sounds a lot louder unplugged with the new saddles. It sustains for miles, and sounds GREAT unplugged. And I love the look of the bronze saddles with the Midnight Wine. Intonation is a bit off (according to the tuner) but it still sounds pretty much dead on to my ear. The guitar plays a LOT nicer after the setup, but I'm not too crazy about the neck, especially when
  4. Oh, I see. The way that this site is explaining it, what I posted previously: Is the Ionian mode of the G major scale, because it starts at G. So, the Dorian mode would be ABCDEF#G, or this on the guitar neck: e---------------------------------------------------5--7--8---- B----------------------------------------5--7--8-------------- G---------------------------------5--7------------------------- D-----------------------5--7--9------------------------------- A------------5--7--9------------------------------------------- E--5--7--8-----------------------------------------------------
  5. You have 12 notes: A A#(aka Bb) B C C#(Db) D D#(Eb) E F F#(Gb) G G# Going from one note to another is commonly referred to as a "step," either a "whole step" or a "half step." For example, from A to B is a whole step, or from A to A# is a half step. From A# to C is a whole step, etc. A "mode" is a way of arranging these "steps" so that they sound pleasant to the ear. The major scale is WWHWWWH (W = whole step H= half step), starting from the root note (the key you are in). So, the major scale in the key of C would start with C. Then, a whole step from C is D. A whole step from D is E. A
  6. I really trust this guy. He does a fantastic job, for a very reasonable price. The time/frustration and money I'd put into tools for doing the same work makes it worth it to just have him do it, especially since he does such a great job. I figure that he will get everything together much better than I could, much faster. But thanks for the link, though! It will come in handy at some point, I'm sure.
  7. I got my bridge in yesterday. I lined it up on top of the one currently installed, and it looks like it will fit. Hooray! That's good. Now all I need to do is give my guitar guy a call, and get this thing all set up.
  8. OMFG! for the first time in 13 years!
  9. That sounds like a cool idea. If I was set up for such things, I could definitely pitch in, even though I'm not the greatest guitard player.
  10. Compensated bronze saddles w/bridge and electrosocket jack ordered. I just got an e-mail from my guitar guy, and he says there might be an issue with the bridge not fitting correctly. That would suck. Hopefully everything will work out once the parts come in.
  11. Wow, thanks, exactly what I was looking for!
  12. So, I went down to Guitar Center last night, on a mission to buy some pickups and an amp. They didn't have the amp or the pickups I was looking for. But, they're shipping the amp (Fender Pro Junior) to my house, and they gave me a discount on a similar set of pickups. The pickups that I got the Fender Hot Rod Samarium Cobalt pickups. Does anyone know anything about these? I will definitely look into those, thanks!
  13. Don't these have some disadvantages as far as setup/intonation goes?
  14. I just acquired a 2004-2005 Mexican Telecaster with a Seymour Duncan Hot Rail Humbucker in the bridge. It's nice, I like how it plays. Now, I realize that I know nothing about electric guitars/telecasters, and I want to know everything about them. I've already been furiously googling for information, but I feel like there's some stuff I'm missing. What are some things I should know about my Tele? I don't know anything about electric guitar strings, which ones are good to get? I love the Tele tone, and the pickup in the bridge right now isn't the best for acquiring that tone. I'm planning
  15. I remember that when Jeff played it solo, he would go from G barre to D barre....and that's all I got. I think gumbopages has some more info on it.
  16. Last night, Nels Cline and Pat Sansone jumped out of my closet and viciously raped me. Surprised the hell out of me.
  17. Doing a search for "Jeff's orange guitar" turns up this very helpful topic: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=30939
  18. Looks like someone hit the nail on the head. You win the Golden Hammer Award for 2007.
  19. No, they can't. It's really fucking annoying. Anyways, if this is the one you're referring to: Then it is, indeed, a Gibson Barney Kessel.
  20. Well, Someone Else's Song uses a lot of pretty standard country music bass line, walk ups/walk downs, etc.
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