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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I don't think I could go without high speed internet easily, but it doesn't cost very much ($20/mo. as part of a package). My cell phone service is free through my work. The rest of that stuff I generally don't have/buy.
  2. http://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/article/61341 White Sox Obama hats?
  3. My company just paid out 60% of the potential bonus for 2008. Fingers crossed that it will stay in good shape. Kate has some friends at a large company facing what amounts to the following choice: elect to quit and receive 18 months of pay and benefits or wait to find out if your position is eliminated (and only get a 3 month payout if it is). Yikes. Hard choice for those who've been with the company for a long time. I wonder if they'll have half the company quit on them.
  4. The 3 previous governors were Republicans. The last one went to jail and a lot of people consider him indirectly responsible for the death all but one member of a large family. The previous one to that is considered to be a good guy. The previous one to that should probably also be in jail for being the hired auditor while Conrad Black was embezzling money from The Sun Times' parent company.
  5. Republican party used to be alive and well here. They lost it because of their own shit like this.
  6. You can download free audio version of the Sunken Treasure tracks here: http://wilcoworld.net/records/bonus/ (free registration required). The Ruling Class is on the second Loose Fur album (in case you didn't already know). The Owl and Bear has a ton of stuff on it: http://owlandbear.com/wilco-archive There is a forum here for disc trading: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showforum=6 and a forum here for torrents (digital downloads): http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showforum=29
  7. Man, your belt and suspenders really match your skin tone. That's awesome.
  8. So I finally got my Edge card yesterday. I found out that the original R4 maker no longer makes them so all the R4s being sold are knock-offs. From my research, the Edge was the best choice for the money (~$15 including shipping from Hong Kong and I got a 4 GB micro-SD card from meritline.com for $10 w/free shipping). It works great. My only complaint is that the micro SD card is tough to get out of the cart. have not tried running NES ROMS on it. Looks like I would have to run an additional emulator for that.
  9. The Ricketts family is set to buy the Cubs for $900 million. They reportedly told MLB that they plan bring the payroll up to $175 million. Freddy Garcia signed an incentive-laden minor league deal with the Mets.
  10. I like the shirt, but I think it's unlicensed/bootleg. I don't see it on her site.
  11. There is some evidence that HGH improves eyesight.
  12. Well, if there's overwhelming evidence that they used. Sure it's fair. What's not fair about it? Do you think it's unfair to issue speeding tickets to a select few because most everyone speeds?
  13. I think very few people honestly thought that he didn't do teh roids.
  14. I'm working on getting him. I think it will happen eventually.
  15. I liked Lowery's prayer a lot better than Obama's speech.
  16. True, though there's not much out there at this point. And they have indicated that they're pretty much where they're going to be in terms of salary. The only way they'd pick up a good veteran starting pitcher at this point is if they moved Dye. Edit: the alternative is/was probably Sweaty Freddy. Double edit: looks like they still may get Freddy. And Contreras could be back at some point in mid-season. It'll be the old, bad, and injured pitcher reunion tour.
  17. Well, they needed some backup plan in case the second and third rate prospects they have gunning for the fourth and fifth spots don't pan out. I'm sure it's not for much money. I wonder how many innings he'll pitch.
  18. It depends on proper statistical analysis. The search "jim rice" "nice guy" (making sure that guy follows nice and rice follows jim) has slightly fewer results than "jim rice" asshole. Otherwise you get a lot of noise with sites that have some jabber about a guy and a comment about a nice frisbee. In fact, the top "nice guy" results suggest that he isn't a nice guy at all.
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