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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Chances seem high. And I'm guessing that would have fewer restrictions and caveats than the House plan.
  2. Santa looks a little bit uncomfortable. He should be -- your dog is a little bit crazy.
  3. Well how about that. I won't be able to snag it. I would not be opposed to someone sending it to me eventually, though.
  4. What a bullshit no call (pass interference) in the end zone.
  5. White Christmas? But God wants a chocolate New Orleans.
  6. I don't know if he ever ate a lucky steak--that's really a lifestyle choice, but did you read the conversation earlier that included discussion about the good post-seasons he had?
  7. I'm glad the White Sox won't be trading for Edwin Jackson, in that case.
  8. I heard on the radio this morning that the demand for Treasury bonds is so high (people want a stable place to put their money) that some bought them at a 0% return rate. So this story seems even more suspect. Still waiting for a proper link.
  9. I guess I can see that as a possibility. There's also the speculation that Emanuel tipped the feds off.
  10. Well, if we are listing the few good things he's done for the state, I think that health care for kids is a good one. That's all. Doesn't mean he isn't guilty or a bad governor.
  11. I'm not sure that explains Bono's lyrical shift, though. He has always written about big ideas and personal stuff--but his lyrics have taken a turn for the clumsy and literal.
  12. He was a big backer of KidCare, which was a big deal for me personally and is still a big deal to me ideologically.
  13. Yes, it is possible to succeed as a small market team. However, if you want to be a perennial contender (Angels, Red Sox, Yankees are probably the best examples right now, but also Cardinals a few years ago and the Braves before that), then you probably need to spend money. Spending money does not guarantee success and not spending much does not guarantee failure. Basically, anything a small market team can do personnel wise (draft and scout well), a big market team can do too. There are some things (signing premium free agents, extending players with big contracts, taking on big contracts via
  14. A salary cap w/ a salary minimum. Yes, that would be great imo.
  15. I like Pop. All That You Can't Leave Behind has some good songs, but is kind of cheesy. HTDAAB is embarassing, imo. A lot of the songs seem disjointed, Bono's lyrics are often not very lyrical (don't really follow much of a meter at times, etc). A Man and A Woman is really one of the worst songs they ever put out. The production is so dated--it sounds like a reject from the second half of War (which is vastly inferior to the first half, imo).
  16. Looks like he had 2 bad post-seasons for them, 1 ok one, and one good one. In the good one, he had as many ABs as the other three combined.
  17. So he has a higher OPS in the post season that Derek Jeter...is Derek Jeter a failure in the post season?
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