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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. It's because we're a homogenized, uninteresting group.
  2. I like it. I'm not sure what constitutes a legitimate sport. I don't smoke pot. I guess that leaves only one poll choice!
  3. I'll see your HotBot and raise you a WebCrawler. Unless there are major changes coming, it looks like the venture capitalists who invested in this site got a lot of shit!
  4. Remember when the best search engine would change every 6 months - 2 years or so?
  5. Read about it last night. I'm not feeling it.
  6. I have a hard time imagining anyone above the age of 15 (other than his friends and family, etc) giving nifty shits about him. I am amazed that there is a thread. Sorry for being cantakerous.
  7. I actually like their new evening lineup better.
  8. I figured this was a Kidsmoke-dons-riot-gear-and-cleans-out-VC-thread.
  9. Is Steve Perry back with the band? Edit: No he is not. Also, it looks like there is no skip button. Journey decides which order you listen to Journey in!
  10. I kinda figured this type of thing might become moderately popular as the price of flash memory goes down. The convenience of mp3s with some physical product.
  11. http://deadspin.com/5029015/mayhem-in-the-midwest-league
  12. Well, run differential is considered to be a better predictor of future success than w-l record.
  13. Which is it? Or am I misunderstanding a distinction?
  14. Couple things worth watching from yesterday's White Sox/Rangers game: Ramirez' glove flip and the hilarious Hawkgasm on Carlos Quentin's second, go-ahead homerun: http://mlb.mlb.com/media/video.jsp?mid=200...84&c_id=cws
  15. They really have a new album out in October? That's not some bullshit deadline? Hmm.
  16. On NPR this morning they gave an obit for Jerome Holtzman. They had a quote from him explaining why he invented the save. He said that in 1959 there was a relief pitcher who had gone 18-2 or something like that. Writers were saying it was the best season ever by a reliever. He figured out that said reliever had given up the tying or leading run in most of those games -- thus all of the decisions. He invented the save so that back-end relievers would no longer be rated primarily on W-L record. Point being: the save isn't very meaningful, but it's better than the popular method that existed be
  17. Not sure where I stumbled on to this, so apologies if one of you posted it somewhere: http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/atoz/2008..._missed_con.php
  18. He also found Hack Wilson's 191st RBI. I wish I had a recording of Ed Farmer and Steve Stone's eulogy given during the White Sox - Rangers game tonight.
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