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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Well, their defense is healthier Peanut came back and was awesome Sunday night. Briggs came back and was a beast. They're just waiting on Vasher coming back and for Tommie Harris to reach full strength. Oh, and Darwin Walker, I guess.
  2. The undeniable "True Yankee" position players, Jeter and Posada, had a truly awful series. I guess that's appropriate.
  3. I have not seen this movie and, although I've liked every Anderson movie I've seen, I appreciated this: http://www.slate.com/id/2174828
  4. They're going to pay him extra to switch dominant hands? That's the opposite of moneyball.
  5. There's some Moby singing in there. You wouldn't guess it was him if you hadn't heard the song.
  6. The Rays' (no D) new uniforms are super ugly. http://www.sptimes.com/2007/webspecials07/.../rays_uniforms/
  7. Heh. Your arrogance about USC is a little annoying and I'm not even a college FB fan.
  8. There's not much of a distinction with torrents.
  9. K-Rod is not a true Yankee and is probably building a post-season Reputation. I already said that. See.
  10. Michael Jordan was actually paid more per year at one point. When you account for inflation it's like, whoah. $30 million in in 96-97 and $33 million in 97-98. The latter is $41 million in 2006 dollars. Of course, Michael Jordan was a true Yankee.
  11. Apparently he was a Bulls, Yankees, and Cowboys fan growing up. What a frontrunner.
  12. Find an REM fan/audiophile with a big ratio cushion to download them and tell you what they think. Oh wait, is that what you're doing here?
  13. They're drawing a line in the sand in the ridiculous primary date arms race. Soon we'll be having presidential primaries before the midterm general elections. Eh, the whole thing is stupid. Let's just have a national primary date.
  14. No, but I think I dissapointed Rahm Emmanuel.
  15. Well, maybe I'm wrong, but I get the impression that most people buy HDTV to watch sports in high quality. Neither format helps them with that. If there's no noticeable visual difference between those formats and up-converting DVD players then people concerned with image quality might just buy the latter. The thing is--how long have we been hearing about this particular format war? Seems like it's been a long time. For the price to really come down the players have to be mass-produced. For the players to be mass-produced they need a lot more customers. To have more customers there needs to
  16. Right, that's why states can apply for a waiver on a case by case basis. I'm sure that's why New York applied. There's an op-ed by a Missouri congressman that says something like "Missouri taxpayers don't need to pay for $83,000 families in New York." Which is silly. I'm sure NY pays more in to the system than it gets out. I can't say the same for Missouri.
  17. Well, I was kind of joking. I think the whole thing is silly. I have heard that those up-converted DVDs are indistinguishable from the next generation players. I doubt that either format will ever really get over. The reason DVDs were adopted over VHS wasn't simply because they looked better. The major breakthrough was that they were so much more convenient. They're more durable, no rewinding required, easy to skip scenes, etc. The possibility of extra features was cool, too, although most bonus features are only interesting to a select portion of hardcore fans of a given flick. I'm not sur
  18. What the world really needs is a new media to watch movies on. Heaven knows how many times I've said that to myself.
  19. What are the costs of the ingredients like?
  20. The current law/funding has an extension through November. Because of the veto, a new law would have to be passed to get it funded past then. The new law anticipates increased demand among those who are currently eligible and sets the limit for eligibility at $60,000 for a family of four. States that want to cover kids whose families have higher incomes can apply to the federal government for waivers to do so. That's not any different from the current law so far as I can tell.
  21. I guess they've got 2000 out now? That 10 hour timeframe seemed pretty optimistic.
  22. It's complicated because it's a block grant that states administer. The states have some say in the eligibility requirements. Here's a rundown:http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...toryId=14962685 To get Em on it we applied through a state website and mailed in some legal documents (marriage license, birth certificate, etc.). Illinois has a tiered system that has state funds and user fees in addition to SCHIP. Here's the eligibility table: http://www.allkids.com/income.html
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