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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Sarah and I haven't watched this since she was 5. What a treat to see again! (This has to be one of the most subversive and visually hilarious kid's movie ever made.)
  2. That's where I plagarized that line! I knew it sounded familiar.
  3. I am not offended by pictures of breasts, nor am I offended by pictures of full bellied men and their scrotums painted blue. That's my 2 centavos.
  4. I have only read rumors about this boy, and heard about the video of him using allegedly large amounts of coke. Seen the fallout of the relationship with his child's mother, supposedly due to his partying. I don't think it's all simply speculation that he lived on a dangerous edge. I'm sure the reports are true that he suffered from anxiety and sleeping disorders. I guess it seems important to ask the question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" I don't know what his intention was when he swallowed all of those pills. Probably the desire to stop suffering. A therapist once told me
  5. He also was apparently a drug abuser with a tremendous appetite/tolerance for legal and illegal substances. It's a whole new generation of kids with money and unscrupulous doctor/pushers more than happy to take some of it. How easy it is to buy an untimely death in this country.
  6. Driving for miles along side Loch Ness made a believer out of me. Any prehistoric sea serpent could have swum up from those ancient, mysterious depths and it would not have surprised me in the least.
  7. Sarah and I also saw the Arcade Fire this summer. Outdoor venue, again in the front row. Drunk guy jumps up on the stage, gets chased around by a band member wielding a snare drum, then does a swan dive off stage into the crowd right next to us, knocking a woman to the ground. In the moment that I understood his intention to jump, I gathered all of my chi to keep his body from falling on to my daughter, meanwhile hunkering down over her. Yeah, drunken idiots are a huge concern, especially in a joint (Cains) that sells beer by the six pack which get carried around by the plastic holders.
  8. She's doing really well, Rosie. Almost 12 now. Hoping to see you at another show one day. Her t shirt hangs in a place of honor in her room. Thanks again for your sweetness.
  9. I took my daughter (then 9) to see Wilco at Cains the last time they played there. We had seen the band at an outdoor venue in Columbia, MO the night before. Those two shows were her first. She still gets all glowy talking about them. We were in the front row both nights, and both nights were hot and humid. Cains the second night was just too much for the little gal, and we spent the last third of the show sitting on the curb in the cool Tulsa night. On the other hand kidsmoke's daughter, also 9, was happy as a clam the entire show. Just remember that Cains is a GA venue, and that it is a
  10. Sweet! Terrific game. I think much gloating is in order. Congrats NY!
  11. Rockin' good news! Young Sarah will be overjoyed to hear that these guys are touring again. I sure hope this is just a portion of a larger tour.
  12. I guess I was thinking in terms of cat years. (j/k old bean.)
  13. Happy birthday, Michael. I hope you're having a great day. Wait, you're only 42?
  14. When I was a little girl, my baby sister had pneumonia and I remember being really scared about how sick she was. Love and prayers heading your family's way, Kevin.
  15. Oooo, I missed this thread! Tall Green Grass put a huge grin on my face yesterday, driving down country roads on my birthday. Cory can sure turn a phrase. Still, since ctiony sent that video, this one has been on replay:
  16. Thanks so much you all! It was a lovely birthday. (good to see you, Teeg. )
  17. Happy birthday my dear Donna! For your special day I wanted to get you something you would really enjoy, and this had your name written all over it: What do you mean you didn't want a John Ashcroft snow globe? I hope you have a terrific day, sweetie. I can't think of another VCer I would rather share my birthday with.
  18. She sends me blue valentines All the way from Philadelphia To mark the anniversary Of someone that I used to be And it feels like there's a warrant out for my arrest Baby you got me checkin' in my rearview mirrror That's why I'm always on the run That's why I change my name I didn't think you'd ever find me here To send me blue valentines Like half forgotten dreams Like a pebble in my shoe As I walk these streets And the ghost of your memory Baby is the thistle in the kiss It's the burgler that that can break a roses neck It's the tattooed broken promise I gotta hide beneath my sleeve I'm go
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