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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Happy birthday weekend, my friend. I hope all of your LPs are cherry, that you limbo the bar, and that you never ever have to 'wait on Waits'. I have a feeling this is going to be a spectacular year for you.
  2. I do love that picture of teh bobbob and me.
  3. Fakeliz and I and a bunch of other friends are catching her on the 6th at one of the best venues evah. The stage is kneehigh. We'll be right up front. Cannot wait for this.
  4. Wow. I had no idea. That's like being an ambassador and not having to pay parking tickets. Awesome.
  5. My former boyfriend would always take Oscar Mayer braunschweiger when we went on day long canoe trips. I have still never tasted it. I do like a nice goose liver pate, however.
  6. There's plenty of vibes to go around.
  7. I gather you're feeling a bit better as well, PEB?
  8. What you might not know is that I am under contract to several former high end VC posters. And while the pay is not great, it does keep me off the streets at night.
  9. Yes. However, since I spend a good portion of my uninterupted music listening in my car, on fairly good speakers, that seems pretty adequate. Long gone are the days of lying down on the floor with headphones on and listening to an album front to back. It really depends on how one listens to music I guess. The only issue I see with "crap MP3 rips" is listener fatigue, which I remedy by going outside to play. Lalala. Been debating it since my reel to reel turned into a turntable.
  10. The rip I got: Bit rate: 232 kpbs (VBR) The sound is rounder and fleshier to my ears. The instruments blended and less digitized. Still can't wait for the official release. Sarah, hearing most of it for the first time yesterday, "Jeff's voice is sounding REALLY beautiful on this album." From the mouths of babes. Ah.
  11. ^ What baab said! Congrats to Tom and the kidsmoke family! The hard work that Tom does is the tip of the iceburg of how the kidsmoke family works together. Tom:
  12. I guarantee that the act will crack up the drummer at least 7 times. You all should check it out. My face hurt from laughing. And that tall "sister"? Holy mackerel can she sing!
  13. Why is it so easy for me to picture this?
  14. The Old Country Waltz Saddle Up The Palomino Hey Babe Hold Back The Tears Bite The Bullet Star Of Bethlehem Will To Love Like A Hurricane Homegrown Man, I love this album. I think this was one of the last Neil Young CD reissues. I had to wait a long, long time.
  15. Cooper would probably call Western Missouri. He's kind of the yard sherriff, and consequently rather intolerant of aberrant behavior. Frankly, I think that's what should be done with chidren that play Marco Polo at the pool. Are you coming to visit?
  16. My head immediately went to me walking around with my eyes closed, calling "MARCO!", and my food not answering. Over and over, until my neighbors called Western Missouri Mental Hospital.
  17. Charcoal grilled Scimeca's Italian sausages Marco Polo stylee (grilled, on a roll w/fried potatoes and red bell peps in the roll. I like spicy hot BBQ sauce all over it). The garden and grass have gotten green in one rainy day it seems. BBQing on this the spring evening is divine.
  18. While Mr. Brown lives in my town and is married to an aquaintance of mine, he never seems to play round these parts. He has the most sonorous speaking voice I believe I have ever heard. Thanks for posting this.
  19. So, is it really lame to enjoy a little ELO on the DL?
  20. Oh my yes. There seems to be quite a nice little group of amazing and talented cats in various and complicated configurations. Timeline.
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