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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. The most politcal thing I do in everyday life is eat food that has been grown/produced in my geographic vicinity. I buy food from a local dairy, beekeepers, several wineries, buffalo farm, brewery, free range egg/turkey/chicken/beef farm, pick your own blueberry farm (), and wonderful farmers' markets. Supporting locally produced food encourages smaller labor intensive family farms, and reduces the energy used to transport food. Corporate farms are evil. I rarely eat anything that is from a box. If you want to have your mind blown about the things that we consume, read Michael Pollan's
  2. One of my design professors in college made a short film about dog fur coats. Interesting little film. He recieved a D on the project.
  3. My mother in law worked 10 years in Britain for Ford Europe as liason between labor and management. Ford was required to show that no British citizen was as qualified for the job as she.
  4. Ha! (As a side note, I blame one of your sons for Sarah's ongoing obsession with that band. )
  5. Flying willies! Lots of people like to perform nekkid. NSFW!
  6. LOL. Us Kids Know is run by the same fine fellow that runs this show.
  7. In fact there might have been some talk of poking out his eardrums with pointy objects. I might be thinking about something else, though.
  8. We have our tickets. One of my favorite small venues. I'm over the moon!
  9. Dreamin' Judy's babygirl is precious! Oh, my. I have seen two pictures of Jeff holding VCers babies, and he just looks smitten in both pictures. Great set of tunes and all like a hootenanny. So happy for your fun!
  10. Funny. I just looked at those stats this morning and thought the same thing! Hope you're doing well, Rosie.
  11. I totally snagged this from another music message board that I lurk in:
  12. Brautigan and Hesse in one thread? I may be in literary heaven! I just finished reading Siddhartha last week. Third time since highschool. One of my all time favorites. Again and again...
  13. Dear uncle wilco, You should get out from under that rock and come see Neko Case with us at Liberty Hall in April. You can't beat a $15 ticket price. Sincerely, M. Chris
  14. Happy birthday, gal. I hope your day is fab!
  15. Prince is a musical genius. There I said it.
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