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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. "Oscar Wilde (reformed homosexual)" I never knew Oscar reformed. Huh. Prison must have rehabilitated him.
  2. Krakauer is one of my favorite contemporary non fiction writers. I read this as a teenager. Having another go. I wonder how it will strike me now. I believe I am reading my original paperback, and the cover is the same as this:
  3. M. (hristine


    I believe that what gershon is saying is that using the phrase "sucks balls" in a negative connotation is simply condtradictory.
  4. Being a lover of live music in small Texas towns, this is the one show on this tour I would wished to have seen. Sounds like it was incredible.
  5. "Behind him, across the vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo." Damn. I'm going to have to start reading kid's books more often. What a read.
  6. O how I long to see them make their magic live. I guess for now I'll give Roots and Crowns another spin.
  7. One never knows where one's picture will end up hanging on a wall.
  8. Bummer. I had seriously considered driving over for this show...it makes me sad when the crowd is the show. It was almost a year ago that I saw Tweedy at the Fillmore, and that stands as one of the best shows I have ever seen, at a venue not unlike the Cain's. I think of the many shows I have seen where it's been just a singer and a guitar, or a singer and a piano and have never been dismayed with the audience, regardless of the venue. What is the dealio? I am puzzled, and looking at the radar this morning, glad I stayed home. I hope you wake up this morning and have some happy memories
  9. My 10 year old just finished this, and said of it, "Awesome. You should read this, mama." I'll be starting it this weekend. Being a mom has certain advantages.
  10. "alt-rock Jerry Clower" Thanks for posting that.
  11. Laurie Anderson? I met this guy - and he looked like might have been a hat check clerk at an ice rink. Which, in fact, he turned out to be. And I said: Oh boy. Right again. Let X=X. You know, it could be you. It's a sky-blue sky. Satellites are out tonight. Let X=X. You know, I could write a book. And this book would be thick enough to stun an ox. Cause I can see the future and it's a place - about 70 miles east of here. Where it's lighter. Linger on over here. Got the time? Let X=X. I got this postcard. And it read, it said: Dear Amigo - Dear Partner. Listen, uh - I just want to say thanks.
  12. Which is precisely the reason he has been president for two terms. The military/oil machine is one of the most imbedded, powerful forces moving this nation right now. This war is about making money. Getting out of the war will be about making money. At the expense of us, the taxpayers. (Not to mention those that have lost their expendable lives.) George Bush is the dumb face on an insidious cancer, destructive and strong. Don't kid yourself. It's going to take a great deal more than an erudite, pretty "face and voice" to be victorious over that.
  13. We have had a plethora of precipitation in the past 4 days. St. Louis was hit pretty hard by this storm, with 330,00 without power. And it is bloody cold. 13 right now. Wishing for warm places for all of those without electricity tonight. My garden today:
  14. My good friend Chris Hall lives there, and he's pretty cool. That's all I got.
  15. He has a chair at the Apple store with his name engraved on it. Even better...Spawn has a Lego model mock up of the Apple store.
  16. New computer + old software + iPod + 4 hours + my brother + ____________________________________________________________ Dead iPod + gershon ( my hero) + my tenacity + 30 minutes and counting of reformatting + =
  17. A good friend in Los Angeles public radio knew her and called her a beautiful, powerful, spiritual soul. Carry on Alice. Here.
  18. So, I just looked at your website, and I am blown away. Really fine work. Do you sell prints of your work? Exhibit in galleries? I want.
  19. While the photos of Tweedy are lovely and natural (the b/w portrait is wonderful), the shots in Africa are magnificent. Such saturated color, and the suject matter (people and landscape) so gloriously photogenic. Thank you so much for sharing your work. Amazing.
  20. Mr. Stewart was a good, good man. He was the definition of 'random kindness', and did it anonymously for years. Carry on, Mr. Stewart.
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