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Everything posted by Hodie

  1. Ah, I'm very strongly reminded of that first Val Air show. What a great great venue.
  2. They were also in DC.
  3. This time-lapse video of the installation of a mural for a restaurant in DC that celebrates Marvin Gaye is beyond cool. I'm guessing this was a whole lotta work, but they way they present it makes me feel like it's a party. And one I should've attended.
  4. Now THERE'S an understatement. It was 104 degrees that day! No hats and gloves required.
  5. I was just going to chime in with exactly that sentiment. I don't think 930 has ever used ticketmaster.
  6. Oh, what a perfect opener. The very first time I heard this song, back when I knew next-to-nothing about Wilco, my immediate reaction was "how very New Orleans..."
  7. Here you go: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=34040
  8. I saw it on opening day in DC at Visions Theater (now closed), and again a week later with some friends. A wilco-y friend of mine was out of the country when it opened, so we saw it at the Charles in Baltimore a few weeks later when she got back. I watched it again recently on television and it was really weird -- when I saw it in 2002, I was quite taken with wilco, but it was still a fairly new obsession. Watching the same movie years later, after uncountable shows and a few aftershows and those little private shows was kind of jarring to my memory. In a good, strange, disorienting way.
  9. They also have a gallery of illustrations that I think is just gorgeous: http://www.npr.org/music/liveconcerts/2008...lery/index.html
  10. The Authoritative Source (bbop) sez you're right.
  11. Hodie

    John Doe

    He sure is. I've loved a lot of Wilco's openers over the years, and John Doe's definitely up in the top five. A lot of people were hollering for it, but he said you can't play 4th of July in winter.
  12. I'm dead asleep and people have already made most of the comments I would've, but anyway... There was little to no filiming last night, and no cameras pointed at the audience this time, which makes me much relieved. I now have a 50% less chance of looking dorky for posterity. The sound was definitely better the second night, which for me was most obvious during John Doe's set. I think I mentioned yesterday almost jumping out of my skin with the New World > Revolution song. That was nothing compared to my reaction to Gimme Shelter with Nels slamming along. Cindy Wasserman's belting o
  13. There, fixed it for you! I thought John Doe's performance catchy and dynamic and wonderful. I'm really looking forward to seeing them again. And the Revolution segue was so reminiscent of the Jon Brion at Martyrs one that I almost jumped out of my skin.
  14. Yow, that was a fun show. I knew I'd be happy getting the leavings resulting from the residency shows! I loved Pieholden with the Total Pros, and both Magazine and Pot Kettle Black are songs I definitely have not heard often enough yet. The crowd near us could not have been more charming. There weren't any pushy or growly people the whole night, and we were even unaffected by over-imbibers, at least until the bra girls came jostling in. It was indeed toasty warm in there, i.e. sweaty. I'm pretty sure I'll look nice and glowy along with looking nice and ridiculous in the dvd footage.
  15. That is indeed a really great book, but the book I love most about the war in Vietnam (even more than Tim O'Brien's stuff!) is "Patriots: The Vietnam War Remembered from All Sides" by Christian Appy. It's a collection of interviews with pretty much every type of person involved with the war. It's not just the soldiers and policy makers on each side, but people like the flight attendants who worked on the commercial flights that carried young draftees to the war (and back home again when they made it), vietnamese poets and novelists, the people who risked their lives to maintain the Ho Chi Mi
  16. Oh, certainly sappy. And I don't know if this would qualify as sappy, but my favorite through-the-roof requited infatuation song is For Once in My Life by Stevie Wonder.
  17. Now that the residency requests and offers have cleared out, I'm pushing this one back up. If you've got a 2/27 and would rather have a 2/26, let me know!
  18. Aww, yay and hooray for you and your family, Eric.
  19. As you're leaving, catch as many eyes as possible, smile, and say "I'm coming back..." Repeat all the way out, and do your best to return by the same route, repeating, "I came back...". People are surprisingly sane. Usually. I've only had to get tight-lipped and muscley a couple of times.
  20. Yes, excellent musical tastes collide once again!
  21. Pneyu! Brianne! Cap'n Cummings! And a Singin' Samorama. I even recognize someone I met from an entirely different forum! I like Paul's shirt. I think he has to wear a Riviera one at the 930 club next week.
  22. I didn't forget, I was just trying not to be gushy. (heehee)
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