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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I am certain that Jeff (and John, for that matter) would agree with me.
  2. Read the first post of the thread. The answer is not at all subjective.
  3. Truth, in this case, is defined by the chronological order in which the albums were released, regardless of what you believe.
  4. Linky I haven't watched this since my speakers are plugged into my iPod at work, but I'm sure it includes all the important stuff.
  5. Talk radio this morning played a bit of her insane meltdown this morning. I remember something along the lines of "if I could moon you legally, i would!" and "I'm gonna try actress...actressing! And then you'll see what I can do!" She sounded very level headed.
  6. I have not yet received a secret santa gift.
  7. not to be a dickhole or anything but sir orson was suggesting that other people were overreacting to your reply not that you were overreacting in your reply this is not to say that i agree with him just that it's how i read his statement
  8. He actually cried during the post-game press conference when someone asked him about that. I believe he was referring to baseball. Obviously, there's not much of a comparison there, with the salary cap in football and all, but hey, the dude's grasping.
  9. I'm sure the Colts' loss was just a ploy by the NFL and the Freemasons to ensure that the Pats have an easier time having the game handed to them next week by those same organizations.
  10. I don't know how you can forget how long someone's arms are.
  11. Well, I have money in mutual funds and stocks, but the whole deal seems like a big pyramid scheme to me. I just don't understand how the stock market can keep growing indefinitely at a pace greater than inflation. And as someone with decades until retirement and no hope of ever seeing a cent from Social Security, I'm a little concerned about it. Not terrified, just concerned.
  12. Now I'm no genius, but what happens when all these people who have their retirement $$ in mutual funds start selling? Won't that affect the price of the funds, and therefore affect the value of everyone else's retirement? If every American's nest egg is invested in the stock market, it's gonna be hard to keep them growing at some point, seems to me.
  13. So you're saying your employer would actually give you that extra 7.whatever percent instead of keeping it? So George Bush repeating the same stupid (but true) joke about how it would be easier to get his policies enacted if he were a dictator means that he wants to be a dictator?
  14. I didn't know Viggo Mortensen played bass for the Zep.
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