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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. No, if you really don't mind seeing the same show night after night, go see Wilco. If you want to see a completely different set every night, don't go to two consecutive Wilco shows, because you know they're gonna be similar.
  2. It doesn't look like he needed to be tasered, but he clearly wore out his welcome, and I don't have any problem with the police removing him from the venue.
  3. I can't believe my team actually pulled that one out.
  4. Sadly, Cincy's defense was only one point worse than the Saints'! And it turns out that if Clinton Portis scores four more than Reggie Brown tonight, I'll actually pull this one out. Crazy.
  5. Sweet Jesus, I've done some stupid crap in fantasy football before, but benching the Pats defense in favor of the Saints is just about the stupidest ever. After the interception return/TD, the Pats have 23 defensive points, vs. -1 for the Aints today. If I lose by less than 24 (and I'm going to lose), I'll know why. Christ.
  6. caliber66


    There's no accounting for taste.
  7. caliber66


    I have been listening to the UT final show today thanks to this thread.
  8. Oh, I know it makes it easier, having video of the signals, and there's no question Belichick is trying to get away with something. I also have no doubt that every other team in the league has some system in place to intercept the other team's defensive signs (and probably the offensive headset signals as well), and I'm certain the Pats aren't the only team trying to get away with illegally videotaping defensive hand signals. The Pats got caught, and they should lose a draft pick or two. Then the NFL should either make video interception of defensive signals legal or allow defensive plays to b
  9. Like I said, penalize them and change the rule. It's a stupid rule.
  10. Yeah, penalize them a pick or two and let it go. Change the rules, allow the defensive headsets, whatever. They still aren't doing anything some dude with a pen and paper can't do, if they are deciphering the signals during halftime. You can see the defensive sideline from the offensive sideline.
  11. I watched Shoot Em Up last night. Completely ridiculous, highly enjoyable.
  12. I don't doubt that the Pats are guilty of videotaping the defensive signals, but I'm pretty "meh" over the whole thing. There's no way teams use the same hand signals for consecutive games - and if they do, they deserve to have their shit deciphered, plain and simple. Besides, all the camera man does is save having someone on the sideline recording all the defensive signals anyway. It's all done out in the open and anyone in the stadium can see everything that's being done on either sideline. Perhaps this will be the impetus for setting up the radio system for the defensive captains as well
  13. Hang in there, Jen. Vibes to your family.
  14. I am not familiar with that one, but easily the most stolen sign from when I was in college was Dick Woods Rd, down by Charlottesville. edit: in response to isadorah
  16. Sorry, but I don't buy that five out of every six baseball stories are about steroids.
  17. I was driving home from North Carolina (after seeing footage of the first plane hitting the tower, and thinking "I really hope that was an accident"), listening to news feeds as they faded in and out of range all the way.
  18. I am going to lose to my wife in both of my FF leagues this week. To whom shall I turn in my yams?
  19. I don't believe any Dead has come up on the shuffle today.
  20. If not for the bullshit they try to get away with at 3:49:5, I would agree with you guys. For me, it's the last four seconds of "Dreamer in My Dreams."
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