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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I am not taking much solace from your recent comment.
  2. There are ten per row, and there are five rows.
  3. I was trying to think of a good reason to resurrect this beast, and I still don't have one. But it's not on page 2 anymore, so post away.
  4. Anodyne Still Feel Gone No Depression March
  5. I wish everyone would stop complaining that people are discussing the topics they want to discuss.
  6. This seems to imply that Southern music wouldn't have evolved if Memphis and the rest of the South had been part of another country. It just wouldn't be American music - but neither were the Beatles, or the Stones, or Zeppelin, or, um, Men at Work.
  7. I figured out the second vanish one.
  8. That would be pretty sweet. I Tivoed Caveman recently off Showtime (or maybe Sundance), and while it was never a great movie, it was a lot of fun.
  9. [Larry King]For my money, there's no Beatles' song that beats "Something Tells Me I'm into Something Good."[/Larry King]
  10. I can't get past the second "vanish" bottle. And I have given up trying.
  11. There absolutely need to be better standards across the board. I'm just saying that the Chinese carbon emissions due to industrial production is not necessarily directly correlatable to the amount of carbon emissions that go into producing your average car. Although I suppose if most of the parts in today's cars are made in developing countries with little or no emissions standards, the point is moot.
  12. Wouldn't that have a lot to do with the emissions standards (or lack thereof) the Chinese have for their factories?
  13. I can't believe Wilco sold out to Big Charity.
  14. Yeah, but how much do you really need to pay the guy who whacks himself in the head with a tea tray?
  15. That was directed at 65days, not you. He clearly knew what the thread was about, knew it was going to piss him off, and yet he felt compelled to not only click on it, but respond in it as well.
  16. He's obviously not using the air conditioning, so that's something...
  17. can we NOT continue and continue and continue to click on these fucking threads we know are going to piss us off.
  18. It's awfully tough to run a textile mill without any cotton.
  19. If you're using posting from work as an excuse for failing to acknowledge points that directly refute your position, you're probably not going to find much sympathy. I've been posting here from work for quite a while now, and I've found that it works best if you don't post if you don't have time to. And screw that Earl guy. He's just trying to build a little cred.
  20. It's about the VW commercials. And fuel efficiency. And Hitler.
  21. You're a troll, for sure. As I have said before. Plasticeyeball posted that link, and those numbers at least twice, if not three times, and you ignored them. If you want people to take you seriously when you cry foul about people not backing their up their points, don't ignore people when they back up their points. Here's the consumerreports.org top fifteen most fuel efficient cars, and their YTD 2007 sales figures, based on this website. Rank Model tested CR Overall mpg Sales 1 Toyota Prius 44 76,747 2 Honda Civic Hybrid 37 137,288 (this is total Civic sales) 3 Toyota
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