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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I'm sure they can just remake the movies every ten or fifteen years, like they did with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but that's exactly what I was getting at...
  2. e.g. = exempli gratias = "for example" i.e. = id est = "that is" So you want "i.e."
  3. I'm pretty sure the theme park is going to become irrelevant not long after it opens. The last book comes out this year (two years before the park opens), and the last movie should be around, what, 2011? What happens then?
  4. Yeah, I absolutely see your point, and I understand why some would jump on A-Rod for this. I don't think it's that big of a deal though. I think things like that happen more often than people think, and it only became a big deal because Clark missed the ball and got pissed off about it. As far as sliding spikes up, it serves the same purpose to a baserunner as a brushback pitch does to a pitcher. It's the baserunner's way of establishing his territory, even if it is looked on as a touch barbaric.
  5. If you intentionally throw at someone, or intentionally hit someone, it's a dick move, no matter what you're trying to accomplish. I'm not saying it doesn't have a place within the game, just that it's a shitty thing to do on a personal level. Coming in with the spikes up is a huge part of the tradition of the game, despite it being pretty brutal, and frowned upon now. Exactly. It's the pitcher getting inside the head of the batter in order to create a better situation for himself. By throwing a ball at his head. A-Rod got inside Clark's head by making some noise as he ran by him, and Cla
  6. Throwing a ball at somebody's face at 90 mph isn't a dick move?
  7. In addition, it was already 7-5 Yankees at that point, and the Blue Jays didn't score in the bottom of the ninth, so it's pretty much moot. It just meant that Posada and Giambi got RBI they wouldn't have otherwise. Bottom line is, Clark should have caught the ball, but it didn't have anything to do with the outcome of the game. edit: Sure, it's borderline, and it's a dick move. But so is a brushback pitch.
  8. Catchers continuously talk shit to batters to get in their heads. Dugouts scream at first- or third basemen or catchers when they are trying to field popups in foul territory. Shortstops harass baserunners trying to take leads off second base. Pitchers fake pickoffs. Teams steal signs. Baserunners induce balks. There is all manner of deception, trickery and other crap that goes into taking the other team's heads out of the game. I don't see the A-Rod "incident" as anything out of line with all the other shit baseball teams do to make the other team fuck up. There's nothing about what happen
  9. If you knew the answer to your own question, why were you being such a friggin pill about it?
  10. Although, frankly, in order to fit the rhythm of the line, it really should be something like "Music writers...they don't know nothin...about Wilco...about Wilco"
  11. What is the sound of one of ction's questions going unanswered?
  12. To be fair - and I know this has not always been the case - but I thought everyone was allowed (certainly from a moderation standpoint) to voice their opinions freely, whether they were for or against the decision to license songs for the commercials. It wasn't closed until after there were several pages of nonsense at the end...
  13. I don't know - I didn't see that one as such a big deal, and I'm sure it wouldn't even be news if A-Rod hadn't been involved. Like he said, the other team tries to distract players from making plays all the time, and if Clark got distracted by A-Rod yelling "Hey" behind him (replays did not look to me like he said "Mine," as the Jays claim), that's Clark's fault for letting someone take him out of the game. Next thing you know, some dude's going to be complaining that he couldn't get a good lead off second because the shortstop kept slapping his glove behind him...
  14. Are you basing your assessment on two sentences from a single blurb, or are you familiar with her writing?
  15. There was no more discussion of the topic, as we had moved on to talking about how many nuts somebody has. The thread was a huge, lumbering beast that had run its course. People made all kinds of pertinent arguments in the other thread. You can still read it if you wish.
  16. I got these two, but now I'm tapped out for a while. Someone else gets the next few.
  17. Actually, I believe if Peter's been robbed, he likely has at most a single testicle. Unless he started with more than two, in which case, it's more like Robin Hood.
  18. When I cash a check for having posted in them, I will have given them my endorsement, slow coach.
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