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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Awfully bold of you to proclaim, in your first post, that your blog has an "intersting" view on something.
  2. This reminds me of the Brady Bunch episode wherein Wilco endorses German automobiles! I'm sorry you feel that way, but despite what you think, that line was a pretty good one. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  3. I think there's an implied endorsement of the product being offered, although the "only thing Jeff endorsed..." line was quality.
  4. I haven't gotten there yet, but rest assured, I'll hear that one before I go home today.
  5. That means Jeff has a hand in writing all the songs, not that Jeff writes all the songs.
  6. Full disclosure: I have been listening to Weird "Al" all afternoon.
  7. Yeah, hybrids are very heavy (two separate drivetrains will do that to ya), and their highway mileage kinda sucks.
  8. If this is true - that the TV "culture" conditions today's audience to be "lazy and childish in its expectations" - wouldn't insinuating some more thought-provoking music into the very commercials that are training us to be so complacent be a good thing?
  9. Bitte. Btw, that signature - still golden. That was masterful.
  10. I'm no drummer, but I always thought that Ringo was underrated.
  11. He better make sure the pool isn't shit, though.
  12. I bet he'd be thrilled there's a 35 page thread of fans discussing his decision.
  13. And you're suggesting that it's wrong from any point of view, unless you do, in fact, need to reword your position yet again. Unless I'm reading this incorrectly: If the "scenario" in question is Wilco selling a (or several) song(s) to VW for inclusion in a couple commercials, then yes, others are entitled to opinions different from yours. If you mean your personal take on the situation, of course that's all yours.
  14. No, you shouldn't be okay with it if you can't be. I simply take exception to you suggesting that others' "take on this scenario" are invalid.
  15. You're still applying your principles to Wilco's music. That's fine, but just because they violated one of your principles, doesn't mean they violated one of theirs. Or that your principle is inviolate to anyone but yourself.
  16. Here are all kinds of articles about Uncle Tupelo, and oddly enough, the great majority of them are from before 1995.
  17. Then in this, the internet age, you should be able to find actual examples that support your position.
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