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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Your English Skills: Grammar: 100% Spelling: 100% Punctuation: 100% Vocabulary: 80% Whoops. In my defense, I was interrupted by discussion of where to watch opening day during the vocab portion. (Ir)regardless, it's inexcusable.
  2. In Jeff's defense, Jay had ten years (give or take) to say something, and didn't until a year after the book came out.
  3. The Jeff hitting on Jay's girlfriend thing? Jay had not said anything about that at the time the book came out.
  4. I had Glavine, Reyes and Pujols in various leagues. That sixth inning for Glavine made what would have been an outstanding opening outing merely good. Pujols didn't do anything, but I doubt that will continue for long. Listening to Joe Morgan go on and on about how the fake-to-third-pickoff-at-first ruse is illegal, despite the fact that he's been talking about it forever AND NOBODY FUCKING AGREES WITH HIM OR ELSE SOMETHING WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE ABOUT IT BY NOW bugged me a little. [obligatory posting of www.joemorganmustdieorwhatever.com]
  5. I listened to Jesus Christ Superstar again this weekend on the bikepath. I don't have anything from the original Broadway cast (Ben Vereen, right?), just the movie soundtrack. Interesting choice for bikeriding. Next time, we'll get to see how the German podcasts do.
  6. It's all phonetic. I just spelled it the way they had it on the last menu I saw down there. Anyway, yeah, Centreville is near Fairfax - in fact, that shopping center with TJ's is a couple miles down 29 from Random Hills.
  7. First of all, I love you. Unfortunately I don't know of any really outstanding places to get Korean food around the Fairfax area, but there's a fun little place called Magpie's Nest that's attached to a Korean market on the north side of Fairfax Circle, and there's a nice Korean restaurant in the shopping center with Trader Joe's and the post office on 29 in Centreville. I've had both bibim bap and bul gogi at both, and they're pretty good. The Centrevillle place is pricier than Magpie's Nest, but both come with all sorts of soup, kimchee and other assorted side dishes. There are dirty little
  8. "Then the other guy's PEE came out of MY nose!"
  9. "And I've got the sores to prove it!"
  10. "Whip the Blankets" came up on shuffle while I was reading this thread.
  11. You face look Ed Zachary like you ass.
  12. Somebody told me she's dating Carmen Electra.
  13. That's pretty much literally unheard of in Wilco.
  14. We currently have two discs from Rome, Season One. Our next three discs are the remainder of Rome, Season One.
  15. It's astonishing how much he looks like Bob. My first impression upon seeing the previews.
  16. I've read I'm a Stranger Here Myself, and I have Made in America on the pile at home (currently somewhere behind The Satanic Verses and, perhaps, The Decameron). I'm looking forward to it, and will definitely be picking up The Mother Tongue soon.
  17. I'm pretty sure they have an entire album's worth of songs half done, not half an album's worth of songs 100% done.
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