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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. The problem is, you're always going to have people who like the Wilco album, because yes, there are those people who would buy an album that consisted of recordings of Jeff farting in an empty grain elevator while John and Glenn keep the rhythm on a rubber band and an old washing machine body. But there are also people who will recognize this album for what it is: an honest effort that's maybe not going to be everybody's cup of tea. For everyone who's disappointed (as I am, to an extent) that this is not a very "exciting" album, there will be someone who is totally in love with the pace and ar
  2. This just in: Regina Spektor forced Fiona Apple to put out a shitty record that nobody likes. Plus, if you change your sound and a bunch of people like it, but I don't, then you're a sellout, sister.
  3. This just in: If you change your sound over the course of six albums and steadily grow a modest fan base, you're a bunch of geniuses. If you change your sound and a bunch of people like it, it's bullshit wannabe art school bullshit that's a bullshit move to sell more bullshit records.
  4. If you read my first impression of the album, you'll realize your "via chicago 'Stanlinists'" comment is a bit off the mark. There's a difference between criticizing Wilco (which I have done this week) and saying that anyone who likes the new album is lying to himself. Grow up.
  5. Actually, you're only lying to yourself if you believe that your criteria for rating an album are the only valid ones. The making and enjoyment of music is a personal experience, and is different from one person to the next. One man's chicken shit is another man's chicken salad.
  6. I don't give a fuck what reviews say. I don't think it's close to his best album, but it's a fun listen. It's probably on par with SBS for me at this point.
  7. caliber66

    I Had It Here!

    I think there's plenty of nuance to "Outta Site."
  8. It's a parody site. The guy who runs it is a gay performer.
  9. I'm gonna go with one new track from time to time.
  10. I agree with the first part of that, disagree with the second, and bring it on home by agreeing that it is, in fact, your opinion. Good album - I'd probably place it fourth among Son Volt albums, but it's definitely solid.
  11. The information you seek is in the opening post to this thread.
  12. You need to read more carefully.
  13. The information you seek is in the opening post to this thread.
  14. I know, but I'm not going to post it.
  15. You need to read more carefully.
  16. You need to read more carefully.
  17. He means Peter Angelos, and he's pretty much right.
  18. White people all look the same anyway.
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