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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. The point is, if you want to find it somewhere, do it. Don't talk about it here. Don't act like you're entitled.
  2. I know what it is I'm good at. I recognize the things at which I excel.
  3. He looks like an elf on a bender. And I believe that you could not care less about the song titles.
  4. Spiders is rather Krautrock-influenced.
  5. I love it how you know what should and shouldn't be boring to that guy.
  6. I'm all for this, but I'm pretty sure it belongs in Skyflynn's pantry.
  7. It's the same way at the hospital where I work. We have doctors, technicans and office staff, and then there are the people who keep the hospital running. It takes all kinds. I'm not convinced those are American soldiers, but it was a cute video. Appears to be a training accident, which, not surprisingly, happen occasionally.
  8. I've spent my entire life around the army, and though the military certainly has its share of losers (as does any profession), I've never gotten the impression that those that join are predominantly stupid. Granted, much of my experience has been with officers, who tend to be very well educated (all college graduates, higher ranks require postgraduate degrees), but the ranks of enlisted are a cross section of the population and consist of a wide range of abilities and aptitudes. Those who serve on battleships, B-2s and tanks would not entrust the maintenance of their telecommunications, logist
  9. I sent it to my idiot brother in Qatar, who passed it along to the soldiers on the ground. That's their eighth try at making a somewhat-legible banner, and the first one with no visible drool. I would imagine it would have quite an effect on his ability to use the army effectively if he told them they were all morons.
  10. What Gary said. However, upon further reading on the story, I'm willing to consider that he meant to refer to Bush. His choice of words was extremely unfortunate, however, and I can see how any reasonable person might assume he was referring to soldiers. After all, Bush isn't stuck anywhere but Washington (or his ranch); the military are the ones who are stuck in Iraq.
  11. Supposedly he put the moves on a passel of cute interns.
  12. It's gotta be hard to run in those boots.
  13. Calling our enlisted soldiers ignorant (by implying that stupid people end up in Iraq) is a little more than an insult to the President.
  14. So...what you're saying is...if you weigh as much as a duck...you're made out of John Mayer...[and therefore]...a witch?
  15. For those of you who think everybody has to like the same thing, please, understand that not everybody has to like the same thing, and really TRY TO GET THAT.
  16. 78 Super convertible. Same problem with the accelerator, but never on the way to VH. Also caught on fire once when the fuel line burst while my brother was driving it.
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