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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. What, exactly, does this: mean?
  2. Shouldn't that be "hands and knee"?
  3. The last two teams with 6 days off between LCS and WS won in six. edit: that's supposed to be a reply to quarter23cd, but I'm too lazy to go and fix it...
  4. sean™ just sent me a PM that said nothing but "i'm a big whiny baby wid a sniffwy widdy nose who needs his blanky (edit: oh, and also, my football team is locked)" over and over and over. Can a brother get some vibes?
  5. See that would be the opposite of withholding judgment.
  6. I'd be interested to know how they're going to make something called "Chocolate Lager" into a stout, since lager and stout are pretty much opposites of each other. Seriously, though, yeah it's Miller, but I'll withhold judgment until I've had a chance to try it. God knows where I'd find it up here, though.
  7. Every player on the Cardinals' special teams, and every player on the offensive line blocking for Edgerrin James should be fired before Dennis Green.
  8. You are dead to me. Although, based on the 1996-ish Girls of the ACC Playboy, you're in for a treat.
  9. According to NBC news last night, Whitey makes up 55.6% of the current population. By my calculation, that's 166.8 million greymeats.
  10. My fault for playing Rexy over Marc Bulger this week. Sorry, Bears fans.
  11. I like David Bowie. I liked Labyrinth. I liked David Bowie in Labyrinth. You should probably calm down and not worry so much about the associations people make about things.
  12. I know I'm late to the party and everything, but *scoff* *scoff* *scoff* [quote name='sean
  13. I'm about to pack it in here and see if tomorrow works any better as Monday.
  14. Yeah, those are some weird looking kids.
  15. I imagine Michigan fans will care quite a lot if it has national title repercussions. As for OSU winning or losing, there's a pretty strong probability that one or the other will happen.
  16. Latin dude, had a big hit in the late 80s about how rich and suave he is.
  17. Happy birthday, kid. Hope to see you around here again sometime soon.
  18. It's sad how so many people just can't let other people like what they like these days.
  19. I don't see anything there that says it tastes just like chocolate, and there are very, very fine beers that taste a hell of a lot more like chocolate than Guinness does. Guinness is roasty; Young's Double Chocolate Stout is chocolatey, and outstanding. Granted, this is Miller, but I don't think there's any reason to dismiss it out of hand.
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