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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. There is a defensive end who plays for the Patriots named Jarvis Green. There is also a rookie running back who plays for the Patriots (and carried the ball a LOT in the second half last night) named BenJarvus Green-Ellis, whose name sounds like the aforementioned defensive player, surrounded by a different guy named Ben Ellis. It's really not all that confusing, but it's a little odd. You.
  2. Anybody want to answer my question with something other than another question?
  3. How fucking confusing is it that both Jarvis Green and BenJarvus Green-Ellis are on the Patriots?
  4. Well, you are, just not as funny as Ralph Peters.
  5. I want to murder that commercial.
  6. Congrats to the Rays, especially the bullpen who really did a good job fighting through a couple tough innings last night.
  7. Jesus Christ, dude. Give it a rest. If people here wanting Obama to win bothers you that much, just don't click on the election thread.
  8. I'm disappointed Wahlberg didn't ask Lorne to say hello to his mother for him.
  9. Well, I'm sorry to hear you have (apparently) heard directly from Jeff that he thinks Billy Bragg is a cunt, but I'm mystified as to why that should affect my opinion of the man...
  10. Exactly. There is an ocean of difference between BB "name-dropping" Wilco and answering an interviewer's question about his collaboration with them.
  11. Is this true? How many copies had Being There sold at the time MA was released?
  12. Get an old school NES and Contra. That's all you'll ever need. That, and Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
  13. I'm sure there is a psychological diagnosis for your pathological need to belittle people, but sadly my education did not include Psychology. You are a piece of work. Yeah, ad hominem, ad shmominem. Though the bit I quoted above is not specifically identified (to my, again, limited knowledge) as a logical fallacy, your continual and pervasive derision of the people you ostensibly wish to engage in debate should be.
  14. Huh. Seems to me that the dude who is an "arrogant asshole" and is unwilling to consider even the slightest possibility that he could conceivably be incorrect, is the one who is not interested in engaging in honest debate.
  15. Sounds like Gary finally got her period. Yay!
  16. How much effort does a guy picking watermelons for 12 hours a day @ 10/hour put into his day? Does a lawyer billing $100/hour work ten times as hard?
  17. I'd like to punch you allot in the marbles.
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