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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Yeah, I hear he wants to bang (sorry, mods) Sarah Palin.
  2. I know this is off topic and all, but how effing hot was Ann Wilson back in the 70s and 80s? Looks like Gerry Callahan to me, and I think he's more likely to be there (although I don't think he was).
  3. The Giants should be appalled that they did not win that game by more than 9 points.
  4. In addition, I started Jason Campbell tonight. That's looking like a real winner.
  5. Ross Perot missed his great chance to serve America by failing to put his ears to use harvesting wind energy.
  6. This thread is gettin closed soon.
  7. Why do you expect Biden to say something about Bristol Palin?
  8. Did you really mean to talk about Bristol Palin in a post complaining about those who distract from real issues?
  9. Zelda I'm not sure this is exactly what I was looking for, because I refuse to watch the whole clip. Zelda freaks me the fuck out.
  10. Um, the last four are the ones that are the ones that count, so that's why they were redacted. As was mentioned before, the first five are tied to where you were born (or actually where you lived when you received your number/card, I believe).
  11. I'm not joking, that's the actual update posted at that site. That the spokesman's name is Ben Smith is a coincidence.
  12. Your repeated use of "Retardicans" really hurts your credibility. Please stop. I don't know if the update had been added before you posted this: You heard it from me, we didn't get the info from the Alaska Democratic Party.
  13. Well, those things are at least tangentially related to the government they were protesting. Flipping Doug's Camry isn't quite the same thing.
  14. That's as much as I take from it. There is no way in my mind that a group advances its cause by destroying random people's private property. As far as I'm concerned, the protestors broke shit because they felt like breaking shit.
  15. You don't understand. Everyone in Minneapolis is supporting the RNC, and by proxy, THIS ADMINISTRATION. Who gives a fuck (sorry, mods) about their property? Their stuff is nowhere near as important as the point the protesters are making. That point, of course, being that breaking shit is FUN, DUDE!!!!
  16. I think he was actually implying that a bunch of people who don't plan to vote for McCain/Palin because Palin has a vagina.
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