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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Paragraph 1: jnickerson says on the one hand, the war is 100% about oil, then on the other, that it is also about religion. There cannot be more than 100%. That's science. Paragraph 2: MrRain's assessment of Bush's motivations is inaccurate and leaves no room for intelligent debate. Paragraph 3: JUDE smells like dysentery.
  2. You must have been responding to a different post than mine.
  3. Ich glaube, dass du Deutsch sprichst.
  4. You should tell the government that. They still tax my earnings, both on the federal and state level.
  5. As far as the "crusade" comment goes, that word has taken on a non-religious connotation over the years, and though it was an extremely poor choice of words, I don't believe he meant it in the sense the post would attach to it. It is an example of Bush not thinking before speaking, not of him hating Muslims. As far as the second link, the article itself says "religious devotion," not "Christian zeal".
  6. Why? Do evangelical Christians in the military advocate suicide bombing civilian targets?
  7. I'm not saying there's not reason for people to be upset. There's no call for continued, and continuous, mewling about it.
  8. If this is proven to be true, his Major absolutely should be disciplined, as should any superior who failed to do so previously.
  9. I'm not suggesting you should know his rank. I'm suggesting the author of the article should have given his rank instead of simply referring to him as a "retired senior Air Force officer." The phrase he used is potentially misleading and is more than a little hollow. Regarding your second paragraph, I'm sure there are environmental organizations and other nonreligious groups that operate on military bases and are "in the business of converting folks or attempting to spread what could be considered a politically charged and loaded message." If SPC Hall was discriminated against on an organi
  10. I don't know what the bold above means. He's not a retired general; why not give his rank? There are all kinds of private organizations that draw members from among military personnel. OCF is not a military organization, nor should it be represented as such. That there are "representatives on nearly all military bases worldwide" means simply that there are members all over the world. There are "representatives" of AAA on nearly all military bases worldwide. Does that mean there is some kind of military conspiracy to force their members to get roadside assistance and free maps?
  11. The thing is, it's not the chord progression, it's the whole thing, note for note. I don't have a problem with it, but it's "Someone Else's Song".
  12. Second base ump clearly called the guy out. Just the guy at first was safe, although neither one of them was really out, since dude came off second base early.
  13. Bobbreaux, I'm being funny. It was an amazing play, and all I had to say about it is the dude at second left the bag early. I guess it was a little too subtle?
  14. Sweet fucking Christ, will you please shut the fuck up?
  15. Switch hitters switch because it's easier to track the ball when it's thrown by an opposite-handed pitcher.
  16. Every infield position other than first base strongly favors right handed players.
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