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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. No, I get all that. I just want to know what the hell he was doing charging after getting hit on the leg. You charge the mound when you get hit shoulder-up. You don't charge over a bruised glute.
  2. Not to mention that meds in the landfill or poured down the toilet make their way into the local drinking water.
  3. That was fucking bush league shit right there. Three guys taking swings at a guy being held down on the ground? Bush. League. On that note, what the hell was Coco doing charging the mound after getting hit in the ass?
  4. Yes. Are you not familiar with how canning works?
  5. Wookies happened upon a case of Stone 11th Anniversary Ale while he was recently in Pennsylvania, and he came back and sold me some of them, along with a couple Double Bastards. There was also a bottle of Dogfish Head Palo Santo (his half of an exchange for a DFH Immort Ale) and some kind of wacky other beer which I don't feel like getting up and reading the label of. I am excited about this.
  6. Probably one of few, but I like them both a whole lot.
  7. I agree that some voters may think that way. I think we are making two separate arguments here. Age demonstrably affects one's cognitive ability; race does not. Do different people believe that each can affect one's ability to lead? Sure. Will Obama's race affect his ability to win the election? Perhaps. Will it affect his ability to function as President, should he be elected? I don't believe so.
  8. I had a dream last night in which I conceded the nomination to Obama. PROPHETIC MUCH?
  9. We grew the SHIT out of some eggplant two years ago in Providence. Last year, in the same organic garden plot, using the same stuff, we got nothing. We are not trying eggplant this year in Virginia, mostly because neither of us eat it.
  10. It was the pic of the tribe with the inset of the orange tan kid. Which he definitely didn't make, so it's not even his joke anyway.
  11. That's a long time to be carrying something like that around. You should probably think about releasing on it.
  12. I'm not sure anyone said that. What people have said is that they are (conditionally) disappointed in his actions, should the allegations by his soon-to-be-ex-wife turn out to be true. What is wrong with that?
  13. It's a lot longer than most punk songs.
  14. It's the only chance he would have had to ask her to do him the favor she does in the previous episode's flash forward, so he pretty much has to have given her the instructions then. Probably better to stay in the helicopter and not have it fall on your head. Or do you somehow think you're going to defy physics and fall faster than the helicopter?
  15. I'm a huge fan of Dreamer in My Dreams, but I'm afraid my enjoyment of it live would suffer from the absence of Max Johnston.
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