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Everything posted by JHamm

  1. Here's a YouSendIt DIVX video of the song. Should look/sound better than YouTube - Letterman
  2. JHamm

    US dates

    I wonder why Charlotte instead of Asheville. The Asheville shows/crowds have been great. The crowd at the last Charlotte show was dead. I guess I might make the trek to Charlotte. Not sure but maybe it'll work out.
  3. I wish they had offered this in the first place. I can't see justifying another purchase right now, though I'd like to see the DVD. Oh, well.
  4. I have all of the music videos on a disc here.
  5. Does anyone know the name of a new song with the lyric "God shaped hole" in it? I haven't downloaded any bootlegs in a while, so I'm unfamiliar with some of the new stuff. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  6. It's actually a very, very cool disc. You open the index.html file in your web browser and it's the actual site on the disc with funtional links to the pages on the disc. Has Sam Jones's diary, all of the videos, the photo gallery, etc. Even has the message board from the WilcoFilm site. Rob did a great job compiling everything onto a disc.
  7. Rob compiled both the Plexifilm and Wilcofilm sites and sent them to me on a disc. I believe he was able to nab every video clip that was posted on either site. About 90 total, I think. Some really good stuff.
  8. A few people have suggested to me that I make a Wilco compilation DVD. Any thoughts? If you think it's a good idea, any particular things you'd want to see? I'm open to suggestions/thoughts/ideas. Let me know here.
  9. A kind soul sent me a copy of a flyer from the very first Uncle Tupelo show. Here's a scan - Uncle Tupelo flyer Anyone out there with some skills at restoring it? I'm going to make a DVD of the complete show with the headlining act and was looking for some help with the flyer to use on the DVD. If anyone could help, let me know.
  10. I'm a bit flattered to be mentioned in such a great post, to say the least. The band does indeed support what I do. It's been my pleasure though. I can honestly say that I'm continually amazed at how popular they've gotten. I've mailed DVDs to 23 different countries in the last 2 years alone!! I'm on my 5th DVD burner during that time also. But as I said, my pleasure.
  11. Very sad to hear this. Wilco has lost it's biggest fan. Sincere condolences to the entire Tweedy family. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you.
  12. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like there's 2 songs from this show that aren't on the upcoming DVD. Whatever the case, I should have a copy in about a week.
  13. I've got someone lined up to record this already, so we'll see.
  14. I'm actually trying to fill in one of the question marks. The other question mark is a little between-song jam. This one is more like an actual song than that. Thought someone here might recognize it.
  15. The video was taken from the very first Uncle Tupelo show. 1987 - Corner Tavern - Edwardsville, IL Was hoping to fill out the setlist if someone recognized the song. Might be something original, I guess.
  16. I was trying to track an old Uncle Tupelo video and don't recognize one of the songs at all. Probably a cover, but I have no idea. Was wondering if anyone could help. Here's the song - mystery song Be warned that it has profanity in it. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. We had a good time last night. Enjoyed the show. Good to meet so many folks again. Also good to put some faces to other names, as well. Had a really good time.
  18. With much thanks to Wharf Rat, I have a DVD finished of this show. If someone wants to do a tree or something, let me know. Dime doesn't allow webcasts, so it'll have to be dispersed by alternate means. Here's a rough sample of Hummingbird for those interested.
  19. With the help of Wharf Rat, I'll have a copy out some time in the near future. In meantime, here's something new/old - Box Full Of Letters.
  20. I was able to capture this, but it's got some kind of digital rights protection that AT&T put on it. I'll see if I can get around that and put out a DVD some time soon.
  21. WM Recorder normally works with this kind of thing, but it didn't work with the Bonnaroo sets that the Blueroom broadcasted a few weeks ago. I'll try to record this on sunday, but it may not work. Don't know. I hope someone else out there gives it a shot, too.
  22. I hear from a friendly fellow that the Ottawa Bluesfest show on July 15 is going to be closed circuited by the Rogers Cable Network and may be broadcast at some point. Sorta doubtful on the broadcast, but I know people who've gotten copies of the feeds before. Anyone else here this about the possible broadcast or anything? I'm not in Canada, so I know nothing about it.
  23. For those of you keeping tabs on my looks, I do indeed have long hair and have had it for at least a year or more. I can grow a beard in no time at all, and I do grow one on occasion. Depends on my mood. So, it is very possible to encounter me with a beard. And, finally, I got new glasses today, so none of you will recognize me ever again.
  24. Late chiming in, but I wanted to say thanks for doing all of this. Enjoyed it immensely!!! It was nice to meet so many of you. Jeff, Sue, Edie, Leigh, and everyone else who played a part deserves the biggest of thanks. Was an event, to say the least. Glad to have been there.
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