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Now Playing Oct 16th 2006

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so far it doesn't, but it's not bad or anything. i'm sure it'll grow on me tho, it's just not as instantly catchy.


I'm kind of picking up a Brighten The Corners vibe from it, it doesn't really sound like Pavement at all, but it the production is a lot more detailed then the first two but it's not a bad thing. Sleeping Lessons sort of has a Coldplay/Doves feel when it picks up. I haven't gottten more then halfway through it yet, but man it's great to hear new stuff from these guys.



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just finished one full listen... not too bad. certainly not blown away by it by any means though.


was hoping for at least one track ala Creepy or Lipless, didn't really hear one upon first listen.


definitely a bit more varied musically for them that's for sure.

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yeah, each one of those songs would work as an amazing album closer and together they keep me stunned every time.


Very true, it's such an amazing strech.


On the new Shins album, solace pretty much hit the nail on the head with his assessment. They did continue their run of having an excellent album closer, I think my favorite songs on both Chutes and Inverted World are Those to Come and Past and Pending. And sonically it's more interesting and varied then their previous works. Yet nothing really jumped out at me like Know Your Onion, New Slang or well every song on Chutes did. But I'm still pretty impressed with it, the lyrics are quite good and they finally broke the 40 minute mark! That's probably why it took them four years to do it. So find it, download it, it's worth the trouble.



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Still trying to make my mind up on this...

certainly not as awful as Pfork made it out to be (then again hey gave his last a 3.0 too). i'd give it a solid 6.5-7. not any tracks i outright dislike, but only a few i love too (title cut being one). not dissapointed with it really. he'll never touch Bewilderbeast, but i wouldn't expect it either.

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