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Election Night results

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Clearly, the potential Webb victory in VA marks a shift in attitudes and prejudices...only 57% of my fellow Virginians approved a state constitutional ammendment to ban same-sex marriages. Maybe one day soon I'll be able to proudly tell people that only half the people in my state approve of government endorsed discrimination based solely on sexual preference!

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there are no nice guys in politics.


also: Where's Nancy? I want to ask her if there's any truth to the rumor that she is NOT going to support impeachment charges against the prez.


If you can get Sir Stewart behind it, I'd be happy to reconsider my position).


(bush thinks impeachment is a festival in Georgia)

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Clearly, the potential Webb victory in VA marks a shift in attitudes and prejudices...only 57% of my fellow Virginians approved a state constitutional ammendment to ban same-sex marriages. Maybe one day soon I'll be able to proudly tell people that only half the people in my state approve of government endorsed discrimination based solely on sexual preference!


:lol Beetis!

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Clearly, the potential Webb victory in VA marks a shift in attitudes and prejudices...only 57% of my fellow Virginians approved a state constitutional ammendment to ban same-sex marriages. Maybe one day soon I'll be able to proudly tell people that only half the people in my state approve of government endorsed discrimination based solely on sexual preference!


One of the most difficult things for me to get my head around is how supporting a federal (or local, for that matter) ban on gay marriage can be touted as a "conservative" value. That's up there with some of the most private things a government could stick its nose into...

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Clearly, the potential Webb victory in VA marks a shift in attitudes and prejudices...only 57% of my fellow Virginians approved a state constitutional ammendment to ban same-sex marriages. Maybe one day soon I'll be able to proudly tell people that only half the people in my state approve of government endorsed discrimination based solely on sexual preference!

:( I was disappointed to see that that bill passed in VA. Not surprised, exactly, just sad. I still love VA and at times I think I would move back there in a heartbeat, but stuff like this just makes me scratch my head and go "WTF??" I guess that's true of any state that has passed stuff like this, but it sucks more when you see your "home' state do it.

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I think it would be dumb for Pelosi to have an opinion on impeachment at this point. Investigations have to happen first. Let's see what the investigations turn up.


My mother is a lifelong democrat and still thinks we should not waste the time and energy trying to impeach Bush. There are other more pressing issues right now.

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Clearly, the potential Webb victory in VA marks a shift in attitudes and prejudices...only 57% of my fellow Virginians approved a state constitutional ammendment to ban same-sex marriages. Maybe one day soon I'll be able to proudly tell people that only half the people in my state approve of government endorsed discrimination based solely on sexual preference!


Almost 80% for the amendment in my state. It's shameful, really.

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There is a plan in the works that involves medical marijuana and our annexation of mexico and central america, but that's all I can say at this point. The password is "glaucoma."


(bush hates puppies)

No Nancy, you have it wrong. Mexico and Central America are going to annex us, and the password is "mota."

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there are no nice guys in politics.


also: Where's Nancy? I want to ask her if there's any truth to the rumor that she is NOT going to support impeachment charges against the prez.

I think if this election said anything, it said that Americans are most comfortable in the center. Pelosi shut her mouth about impeachment in the last days leading up to the election and I would be surprised if there was a serious push now. Bush is now the lamest of lame ducks.

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I don't know what's funnier: George Michael Bluth or that the doll has the same dress as the girl.


Have to iinterject here, the doll is an American Girls Doll named Kit. My Daughter has the same one. You can buy clothes to dress yourself (actually your kid I hope) like the doll.


One of the most difficult things for me to get my head around is how supporting a federal (or local, for that matter) ban on gay marriage can be touted as a "conservative" value. That's up there with some of the most private things a government could stick its nose into...


I find it interesting that Republicans look at preferences and say no special rights or preferences for anyone based on race sex etc... But for Gay marriage they say no special privledges for gays. Umm, giving them the same privledge is not a special privledge. The Republican stance carves out a separate set of privledges for straights and gays. Different issues, same principles, different stances.


I shut down a conversation with my brother once when he started to go off about gays getting special privledges. My wife asked what special privedges and I responded that some people think giving gay people the same rights as you and I somehow is giving them special rights and is somehow a degredation of our rights. It's not that way at all, iit is simply recognizing that there is not supposed to be a system where there are two classes of people and two classes of rights in our country. I have no problem with a church not allowing gays to marry if it is part of their doctrine. But the government should nto be involved.


I think if this election said anything, it said that Americans are most comfortable in the center. Pelosi shut her mouth about impeachment in the last days leading up to the election and I would be surprised if there was a serious push now. Bush is now the lamest of lame ducks.


Has Pelosi talkeed Impeachmemnt before? I mostly hear it from the pundits, more from the right actually, with their "you need to vote or these people will impeach George Bush" rhetoric.

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Primetime election night ratings:


ABC 10,050,000

NBC 7,189,000

CBS 7,080,000

FOXNEWS 3,050,000

CNN 2,963,000

MSNBC 1,926,000


Who decided to have Keith Olbermann as co-anchor with Chris Matthews on MSNBC? I go to CM for the straight poop, but Olbermann is just irritating. What are his DC/journalistic credentials? I don't mean sitting behind a deck and being a "personality." I mean real shoe-leather journalism.

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Have to iinterject here, the doll is an American Girls Doll named Kit. My Daughter has the same one. You can buy clothes to dress yourself (actually your kid I hope) like the doll.

I wasn't going to admit that I knew that. :lol


(Kit is actually my favorite American Girl. She's the Depression Era AG, and she's what I picture my Great-Auntie Kay must have looked like in the 1930s.)

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