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79th Academy Awards

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Best Picture depends on who campaigns the hardest.

I'd like to think that Eddie Murphy's nomination is a long overdue pat on the back for delivering the line "SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!" in Coming To America so many years ago.

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Talk about a wide-open year. Helen Mirren is the only lead actor/actress representing a best picture nominee. I can't recall years past having such a disparity to where out of the 10 lead actor/actress nominees, only one came from the best picture category.


Personally, I think Children of Men, Pans Labyrinth, and United 93 were far superior movies than all the other nominated movies minus Letters of Iwo Jima (I have not seen The Queen, but I suspect it to be one of the best movies of the year based upon many reviews of people I respect).


Obviously, being the best is subjective and even then, the Academy rarely awards the consensus of "Best Picture".


Am I pathetic to find a little bit of satisfaction that Dreamgirls did not receive a Best Picture or Best Director nomination? I just didn't think it deserved all the accolades. I felt like it has been the one movie this year that I've been told I SHOULD like, but I found it be to above average most many regards and mediocre in other regards.


Overall, I can't say I'd be dissappointed if any of the five movies won (which is a rarity for me). While Babel to me was the weakest of the 4 I've seen, I appreciate its ambition and scope and found the acting to be excellent.


Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'm really pulling for Iwo Jima. I know Clint doesn't need anymore validation or awards, but I thought that movie was special, superior to all his other movies minus Unforgiven. I guess it's time to share the wealth and there are many deserving of its honor - perhaps it could win picture without Director and give that statue to Scorsese. Just my initial 2 cents.

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was blood diamond really that good??


Personally, I think Children of Men, Pans Labyrinth, and United 93 were far superior movies than all the other nominated movies minus Letters of Iwo Jima (I have not seen The Queen, but I suspect it to be one of the best movies of the year based upon many reviews of people I respect).

how is it children of men and pans labyrinth even make the cut for this years awards? they both came out in the past few weeks

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was blood diamond really that good??

Hell yeah.


I kinda hope Scorsese never wins Best Director. It would somehow be fitting, like Harvey Keitel once said on the subject: "Maybe he gets what he deserves, exclusion from the rest."

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Boy, am I in bad shape - I've only seen "Little Miss Sunshine" :unsure out of all these films.


LOL :blush Me too. (Nice little film though...I love Steve Carrell (sp?) and, really, everyone's performance was really top notch IMHO).

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how is it children of men and pans labyrinth even make the cut for this years awards? they both came out in the past few weeks

There are many qualification rules, but the date requirements involve this: A movie must be shown commercially for seven consecutive days in Los Angeles County, and that run must open between January 1, 2004 and midnight of December 31, 2004. Basically, a movie qualifies if it screens for a week in at least one LA theater during the calendar year.


Both Children of Men and Pan's Labyrinth met those requirements before starting their nation-wide distribution.

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out of those, Departed would get my vote, but I agree that Pan's Labyrinth and Children of Men should be up there, and I'd probably vote for Children of Men.


But then again, I also would like to have seen Casino Royale nominated.


I'd say this was a good year for movies. I liked alot of them.


Also - Has Judi Dench ever not been nominated for a movie? She was hardly even in Shakespeare in Love at all...

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