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au contraire


Oui, oui.


I'm still amazed by the backlash surrounding this release, and the reviews have barely even started coming yet. To my mind, NB is so much better than Funeral that it borders on ludicrous. It's focused like a friggin' laser beam, and it's so attuned to the concerns of the current crop of 20somethings in the world that I think it'll retroactively be looked upon as a major milestone in '00s rock.


I know I said as much in the NB thread, but nothing else I've heard this decade even comes close to expressing the anxiety of our directionless, overwhelmingly consumerist, post-90s society. (And you can dance to it, too!)

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you're ashamed of arcade fire? i'd be more ashamed about bryan adams.

A couple reasons:

1) Bryan Adams owns the best studio in town here, The Warehouse. He's done a lot for the recording industry in Vancouver, music aside, I have nothing but the utmost respect for him.

2) Bryan Adams doesn't pretend to be a hipster and gets people like the pitchfork staff to worship him and his boring, boring songs. He is what he is and doesn't try to be anything else.


However, waking up the "The Summer of 69" on the radio this morning kind of started my day off on the wrong foot.



I think it'll retroactively be looked upon as a major milestone in '00s rock.

Haha, you made me laugh out loud, my friend!

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I thought "Keep the Car Running" was great. The first song they performed was mired in sound problems though...and I know people hate on Regine's vocals (I've never been onboard with that)....I got to say, however, that her back-up vocals on "Intervention" were cringe-worthy. All told though, I thought it was an impressive set.

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Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars

Smashing a perfectly good guitar

I dont know who they think they are

Smashing a perfectly good guitar


how he loved that guitar just like a girlfriend

but every good thing comes to an end

now he just sits in his room all day

whistling every note he ever played


well there outta be a law with no bail

smash a guitar and you go to jail

with no chance for early parole

you dont get out until you get some soul

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saw the you tube video. my impressions...


what?...are there 15 people in the band or was the stage that small?


they are the current benchmark for hipster fashion. yippee...who gives a f*ck. so they dress better than tony bennett. and they rock harder too...but, does that really mean anything?


this band is so over-hyped/fawned over, i really want to loathe them.


but..the jury is still out, at least for me. right now, i'm not moved.

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i hadnt really listened to the band too much but i have been recently (last 2 days) and to be honest they really arent showing me too much...but having said that i owe them a little more listening before i can really judge them ive only listened to neon bible and apprently funeral is a better album so ill check that out. i like the song intervention a lot but other than that not much stands out

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I always thought indie snobs were the people that loved this band.

I'm ashamed they are from Canada :( You guys got Bush, we got Win.



I thought Win and his bro were American, but the rest of the band Canadian? Could be wrong.


Can't wait for Neon Bible.

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I just don't get this band. The songs were alright - fine is actually the word I truely think describes them. But nothing about them makes me want to buy NB (I own Funeral, and aside from a handful of songs, I don't think it's worth replaying). But then again, I can't get into any of the bands you kids talk about; I'd rather listen to Sinatra.

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How can anyone say their lyrics aren't great?



"Don't want to work in a building downtown

No, I don't want to work in a building downtown

I don't know what I'm going to do

Because the planes keep crashing always two by two

Don't want to work in a building downtown

No, I don't want tosee it when the planes hit the ground


Don't want to work in a building downtown

Don't want to work in a building downtown

Parking the cars in the underground

The voices when they scream, well, they make no sound

Want to see the cities rust

And the troublemakers riding on the back of the bus


Dear God, I'm a good Christian man

I'm your boy, I know you understand

That you got to work hard and you got to get paid

The girl's thirteen, but she don't act her age

She can sing like a bird in cage

Oh Lord, if you could see her when she's up on that stage


You know that I'm a God-fearing man

You know that I'm a God-fearing man

I just got to know if it's a part of your plan

To see my darling stand by your right hand

I know you will do what's right, Lord

For they are the lanterns and you are the light


Now I'm overcome

By the light of day

My lips are near

But my heart is far away

Tell me what to say

I'll be your mouthpiece


Into the light of a bridge that burns

As I drive through the city with the money that I earn

To the dark of a starless sky

I won't stare into nothing and I'm asking you why

Lord, let me make her a star

So the world can see who you really are


Little girl, you're old enough to understand

You'll always be a stranger in a strange strange land

Men are going to come while you're fast asleep

So you better just stay close and hold onto me

If mama's mockingbird don't sing well,

Then daddy won't buy her no diamond ring


Dear God, will you send me a child?

Oh God, will you send me a child?

Because I want to put it up on the TV screen

So the world can see what your true Word means

Lord, won't you send me a sign?

Because I just got to know if I'm wasting my time


Now I'm overcome

By the light of day

My lips are near

But my heart is far away

But now the war is won

How come nothing tastes good?


Oh you're such a sensitive child (sensitive child)

You know you're such a sensitive child

I know you're tired, but it's all right

I just needed you to sing for me tonight

You're going to have your day in the sun

You know God loves the sensitive ones


Oh, my little girl in a cage

Oh, my little bird in a cage

I need you to get up for me up on that stage

Show all the men that you're old for your age

Now in the times of fear

But if you don't take it, it'll disappear


Oh, my little mockingbird, sing

Come on, my little mockingbird, sing

I need you to get up on the stage for me, honey

Show the men it's not about the money

Want to hold a mirror up to the world

So that they can see themselves inside my little girl


Do you know where I was at your age?

Any idea where I was at your age?

I was working downtown for the minimum wage!

And I couldn't let you just throw it all away

Throw me a kid, God, throw me a knife

So tell me Lord, am I the Antichrist?"

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