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What Are Your Top Three Unheard of Bands, Just For Fun...

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ONE. GRIMIS, a Boston rock/folk/jazz outfit. Played with the Slip, Apollo Sunshine, etc. Kind of a MMJ-meets-Paul Simon-meets-Miles Davis thing going. myspace.com/grimissounds


TWO. JON DAMIAN, underground music teacher, stuff is way out there.


THREE. SELF-RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS, a crazy mish mosh of psychedelia and fusion and ballsy rock.


Do yaself some favors and check them out. Anyone else have any bands they are itching for people to hear? I wanna know?

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The Theater Fire--gypsy jazz country from Fort Worth, TX.


Pleasant Grove--maybe the best band ever out of Dallas. Should be on Merge or Sub Pop by now.


Dove Hunter--best new band in North Texas. Fits very much into the Wilco-MMJ-Califone thinking man's jam band aesthetic.

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1. Taylor Hollingsworth (and the Spider Eaters)-- Birmingham rock, now playing with Maria Taylor


2. Through the Sparks-- Sort of Wilco-esque, also from Birmingham. New album, Lazarus Beach, is pretty damn good


3. The Dexateens-- Best thing going these days. They are playing Voodoo fest, if you go to see Wilco don't miss them.

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ONE. GRIMIS, a Boston rock/folk/jazz outfit. Played with the Slip, Apollo Sunshine, etc. Kind of a MMJ-meets-Paul Simon-meets-Miles Davis thing going. myspace.com/grimissounds


TWO. JON DAMIAN, underground music teacher, stuff is way out there.


THREE. SELF-RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS, a crazy mish mosh of psychedelia and fusion and ballsy rock.


Do yaself some favors and check them out. Anyone else have any bands they are itching for people to hear? I wanna know?

What are the odds that this dude is a street-teamer for Grimis?

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Even though I think this thread was started as a plug, I'll toss out Dexter Grove. They were a duo from NY who lived out here in CO for a bunch of years. Now they've split up and the guitarist/singer, Charlie Orlando, does a solo thing and a band thing under his name.

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The Sweetmess (aka Justin Carie)

This is him playing on a balcony in the Cummins Bookstore in Columbus, IN.


That is his painting behind him too!

You can hear some of his stuff on his mySpace page.


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Gotta show some love for Philly.


1. The Teeth Lots of people compare them to The Kinks or Talking Heads. Good diy indie rock with great harmonies and songwriting. Park The Van Records.


2. Hoots And Hellmouth I have nothing to compare them to. Roots/mountain music with a badass rock & roll streak. More Stax than Nashville.


3. Man Man Nothing to compare them to either. Strangeness. A little Tom Waits, in the vocals and percussion. Sort of like carnival sideshow music meets blue eyed soul. or something like that.

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bands mentioned already that i can totally vouch for:


drag the river

carissa's wierd

the teeth

man man

spinto band


also, two of my most favorite local bands right now (saw them both last saturday, incidentally... :dancing )


hot iq's

everything absent or distorted


if you live anywhere in the denver area and have a chance to see either of them, do no hesitate - both bands are killer live. plus, the hot iq's have been getting some national exposure. they were supposed to play this year at sxsw, but had to pull out because drummer elaine's dad passed away. i believe they were at summerfest, and i think both bands are playing at monolith too. :w00t

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