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Bands that have one good album

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I think the brief (har har har) title should describe this one pretty accurately.


I'm gonna go with In Reverie by Saves the Day who are an emo (ugh) band but this album seems very dark and Beatlesesque to me.


And then bands that burned out and only made one album which was good would be The Amps, Bash and Pop...


Fuck I had all this momentum for this thread and it just burned out by the time I started writing it... oh well :ohwell

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Sex Pistols

end of thread.


(seriously, I can't top that)

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A woman I know once called Dylan a "one hit wonder." I have know idea which of his gazillion awesome songs/albums she was referring to. :dontgetit


Hole- "Live Through This" was good, not so much the others.

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clap your hands say yeah

the arcade fire

:sprints away:



One good album, one great album in each case IMO.


As for Oasis, I'll take What's The Story and Be Here Now.


I have generally weeded out my collection to where I only keep albums where the artist releases more than one good album. It's rare that I find an artist where I like one album only and keep it around. And I'm too lazy to find those right now as I've gotta be running to work.

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this is sounding like a guilty pleasures thread.



one good album? considering how many bands got netted into the major labels in the mid-90s looking for the next nirvana, then got dumped in debt causing band breakups, there's a few hundred contenders from 1995 alone.


mermaid av vol 1 should be in this thread, mostly because vol 2 only had maybe 4 worthy songs.

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Sex Pistols



end of thread.


(seriously, I can't top that)




The Wallflowers
Bringing Down the Horse had some mighty good songs on it.....then entire album??.....and some of the other albums were okay.



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I'd put them under the "two good albums" heading. A Rush of Blood was pretty good, imo, and had some level of progression from / difference from Parachutes (also good). Unfortunately the recycle-your-hits machine kicked in hard after that, and they are mired in the bloated land of meh.

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Guest tandylacker

This thread is bound to bring up plenty of arguments, but seriously Wallflowers had one really successful album. The one that came after wasn't anything great, but Red Letter Days and Rebel Sweetheart are wonderful. They do need to switch up their songs a little more, but other than that...


Just because a band has a CD that is more successful than their others clearly doesn't make the successful one better. As a Wilco fan, you should be very familiar with the fact that a CD can be incredible and also nearly unknown.


Weezer was pretty close to just having one good CD. Fastball would be a band that had one good one, anyone remember them? Arctic Monkeys don't seem like they'll put out another good one anytime soon.


Eh, what's the point of this though. Way too subjective.

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This thread is bound to bring up plenty of arguments, but seriously Wallflowers had one really successful album. The one that came after wasn't anything great, but Red Letter Days and Rebel Sweetheart are wonderful. They do need to switch up their songs a little more, but other than that...


Exactly...The one successful Wallflowers album is one of my least favorite of theirs. Rebel, Sweetheart is probably my favorite and is a great all around album. I don't think any of them are completely terrible.

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yup...exactly.Bringing Down the Horse had some mighty good songs on it.....then entire album??.....and some of the other albums were okay.LouieB
Don't know why but couldn't get into anything they have done, I had a friend in college that loved them, although this friend was a female who probably just liked Jacob. For a one album wonder though The Highwaymen for sure.
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