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San Diego show 8/27

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Just back from another great performance from WILCO. Lucked out and got 8th row seats in pit during pre-sale which were the best seats I've had at a gig, this being my 7th time seeing them live:


Just got back from bar after the show so I'll try to take a shot at setlist but sure I'll be wrong on order and will soon be corrected by persons in attendance that are ALOT sober than I am right now(or listening to live broadcast on FM 94.9 = Best Radio station in the land!!!)


Side with The Seeds

You Are My Face

I'm Trying to Break Your Heart


Shake It Off (One of many highlight of new songs)

HandShake Drugs

Shot in The Arm

Sky Blue Sky

Impossible Germany

Hate it Here

New Song (or cover)

War on War

Via Chicago

Jesus Etc


I'm the Man Who Loves You




The Late Greats





Hesitating Beauty

California Stars

Heavy Metal Drumer




Sober People, please correct me where I'm wrong, I'm sure I missed a song in the first encore between Late Greats/Misunderstood


Notes: Alot of people in the Pit, where the pre-sale tickets probably ended up being were LAME, sitting down the whole time, even J.T. mentioned that this was a "mellow crowd" at one point. I stood whole time and had people yell "sit down" which I rightlfully ignored. Go sit up in the nose bleeds if you want to sit down in the pit, jerky!

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My guess is that new song you are thinking of is "Too Far Apart"?


You are correct! This tour I purposely decided not to follow the setlist of the West Coast leg to be "surprised" by what they played and it appears that is the name of the new song I didn't know.


Besides the new songs, the two songs that it was the first time seeing live were "Hesitating Beauty" and "Via Chicago" which was SO COOL!

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Here's the sober version. ;)


Side With The Seeds (Jeff's mic not on for first verse!)

You Are My Face



Shake It Off

Handshake Drugs

Shot In The Arm

Impossible Germany

Sky Blue Sky

Too Far Apart

War On War

Via Chicago

Jesus etc





Hate It Here

The Late Greats


Spiders (Kidsmoke)


Hesitating Beauty

California Stars

Heavy Metal Drummer


Also....Too Far Apart is off Wilco's first album. The highly underappreciated one.

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Here's the sober version. ;)


Side With The Seeds (Jeff's mic not on for first verse!)

You Are My Face



Shake It Off

Handshake Drugs

Shot In The Arm

Impossible Germany

Sky Blue Sky

Too Far Apart

War On War

Via Chicago

Jesus etc





Hate It Here

The Late Greats


Spiders (Kidsmoke)


Hesitating Beauty

California Stars

Heavy Metal Drummer


Also....Too Far Apart is off Wilco's first album. The highly underappreciated one.



Thanks for cleaning up my mess on the setlist!!! Now recovered from the post show fog and wishing I could go see them again this tour before it's over. I was hoping for Sunken Treasure, and a few more "oldies", especially now that I've read the West Coast setlists and saw in Vancouver they got "Red Eyed and Blue/I Got You" during their encore, but getting Misunderstood into Spiders was amazing and there can be nothing more said about ending a San Diego picture perfect summer night outdoors with Cali Stars/HMD!


And for all you parents out there keeping score, I had a designated driver last night!

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i am really hoping that play those other new songs 'passenger side' and 'casino queen' again simetime soon. that record is going to rock! i hear they are working on a song titled 'box full of letters', should be cool.


Remember Jeff played another newbie 'Blue Eyed Soul' on a couple of solo dates last year.

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Funny. But jcdawg couldn't have been THAT drunk, if he got the setlist mostly right.


So, if hardly anyone in San Diego recognized TFA, well, it makes you wonder...

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Funny. But jcdawg couldn't have been THAT drunk, if he got the setlist mostly right.


So, if hardly anyone in San Diego recognized TFA, well, it makes you wonder...


Regarding "Drunk", that was in reference to when I did my post last night at 2 a.m.-ish after coming back from the show and heading to neighborhood bar til closedown. Once the show started, I didn't leave my seat, despite urgings of my buddy to go up and get more beers - I was not going to miss any of the show, especially from 8th row!


Not knowing the song from "AM" by title, I'll admit that I got into WILCO when I purchased "Being There" when it came out in 94. Fortunately, I finally picked up AM at Ameoba Records in San Fran. the day before I was going to see them open up for R.E.M. at Shoreline the Fall of 2003. At that show, they played "Box Full of Letters" and "Should Have Been in Love". So the song sounded familiar but I don't listen to "AM" as much as I do the record from Being There on... If I had to pick a song from AM I would've been stocked if they would have chose my personal favorite " Shouldn't Be Ashamed"


Anyways, did anybody else notice the Professional PokerPlayers sitting in the middle of the pit in the 8th row, most notable was Howard Lederer.who is always on ESPN/FoxSports.

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Not knowing the song from "AM" by title, I'll admit that I got into WILCO when I purchased "Being There" when it came out in 94. Fortunately, I finally picked up AM at Ameoba Records in San Fran. the day before I was going to see them open up for R.E.M. at Shoreline the Fall of 2003. At that show, they played "Box Full of Letters" and "Should Have Been in Love". So the song sounded familiar but I don't listen to "AM" as much as I do the record from Being There on... If I had to pick a song from AM I would've been stocked if they would have chose my personal favorite " Shouldn't Be Ashamed"



Being There was released in 1996.

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A few thoughts about this excellent show.

I don't know if Jeff's mic was off or just really low at the beginning of Side with the Seeds. I could hear him singing , and the whole band seemed pretty quite. I was about 15 rows back, and yelled "turn it up." I think they heard me.

Loved hearing all the new stuff, even better live. Sky Blue Sky is the one song that fell kind of flat. Nice sentiment in that one, but nothing special.

Nels Cline is crazy. Contorting himself and bouncing around like he's on a pogo stick. My buddy said he's like a Dr. Seuss character, with his short pants, striped socks, and general goofiness. Streching out his giant fingers to form never before played chords. He's the ultimate improviser. He has no idea where his solos are going, he just rips it up, and even when he hits what may seem to be a wrong note, he makes it fit in by what follows, if that makes sense. Impossible Germany was his improv highlight.

Nels, and all the band, seem to be getting more and more comfortable and having more fun on stage. Overall stage presence has greatly improved. Fun to see Pat's cheesy exagerrated rock star poses, throwing the tambourine, etc.

Too Far Apart was wicked - rocking tune, never seen it live. Hope they keep playing it.

I was excited to hear Kamera, hadn't seen it performed live in a few years. Unfortunately it kind of fell flat for me, didn't go anywhere. The arrangement has potential, seemed to be going in a Talking Heads direction, but not fully realized yet.

On the other hand, Jesus etc. was much improved live. Loved the album version, didn't think they could ever pull it off live, but this one did it. Nels was excellent on the lap steel.

Via Chicago was the highlight of the night. Mindblowing. It exhibited 2 things Wilco are masters at: going from quiet and beautiful to loud and chaotic and back in an instant, and how 3 members hold down the main theme of the song while the other 3 go bonkers over the top of it.

Jeff had some great solos in ITMWLY and Spiders, ripping it up Neil Young style.

Best audience hand clapping ever experienced at a concert, in Late Greats and Spiders, even though it fell apart a bit in Spiders. Great banter from Jeff during Spiders. I usually don't care for Late Greats much, but this one was awesome. They could do no wrong!

Great setting to see them in, outdoor pavillion at night. Full moon shining, maybe thats why Nels got so weird. Last 2 times I'd seen them had not been ideal - Lollapalooza last summer, and a bland conference room in La Jolla in May 05. The lights were awesome in this setting.

Overall just amazed that this band keeps getting better and better. First saw them in 1998, and they blew my mind then, and continue to grow, change, and amaze. Can't wait to see what's next!

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Caveat before going on: I love what Nels Cline has brought to Wilco's recordings, and usually the live performance side as well.


That said, and while I loved Monday's San Diego show, does anyone else find Nels Cline's solos to be a hair on the distracting side? Not every time, but there were points Monday night I thought he was going to pogo off the stage. If you've ever heard Todd Snider riff on Eddie Van Halen and the Van Halen Brothers, with Eddie on top of the amp blistering off a solo, you get the vein I'm writing this in.


I'm prepared to be stoned.

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Caveat before going on: I love what Nels Cline has brought to Wilco's recordings, and usually the live performance side as well.


That said, and while I loved Monday's San Diego show, does anyone else find Nels Cline's solos to be a hair on the distracting side? Not every time, but there were points Monday night I thought he was going to pogo off the stage. If you've ever heard Todd Snider riff on Eddie Van Halen and the Van Halen Brothers, with Eddie on top of the amp blistering off a solo, you get the vein I'm writing this in.


I'm prepared to be stoned.


What a show! It was my first Wilco show and I was blown away. I've seen a few shows in my life - starting with Tull in 72, Floyd in 1974 Peter Gabriel over and over, and the Tubes on acid in 1975, but I've never experienced a better rock moment than during Via Chicago. I couldn't believe my eyes or ears. It was masterful!


To remark on Nels, I grew a little distracted by him too. It seemed that every solo turned into a spastic bouncing while he frantically strummed (that word doesn't even come close to describing the fast movement of his right hand) while his left hand slid up and down the neck playing amorphous tones. I like what he brings to the recorded music, but on stage I would like to see him once in a while, simply stand and deliver.

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Caveat before going on: I love what Nels Cline has brought to Wilco's recordings, and usually the live performance side as well.


That said, and while I loved Monday's San Diego show, does anyone else find Nels Cline's solos to be a hair on the distracting side? Not every time, but there were points Monday night I thought he was going to pogo off the stage. If you've ever heard Todd Snider riff on Eddie Van Halen and the Van Halen Brothers, with Eddie on top of the amp blistering off a solo, you get the vein I'm writing this in.


I'm prepared to be stoned.


You'll get no stoning from me I agree 100%. It's not his stage moves that distract me but how many of his solos are somewhat pointless and lack musical substance. His overuse of hyper fast tremolo picking tends to detract from the melody of the songs all for the sake of being non traditional and it starts to become a gimmick after a few songs. I'm not going to tell him how and what to play but for a guy with obvious chops I think he would be a better musician if he stuck to the more musical stuff and kept the noise tricks to a minimum. After a while it sounds harsh. If the neighbor kid was banging a spring against metal for half the night you'd be ready to kill them, Nels does it and people think he's a genius.

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