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Breaking Down Sky blue Sky

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I really do hate hype ,you know those no point sentences about albums, well for us who are part of this internet culture of music it bleeds into our records and even when the hype is good its bad but still i love neon bible (okay now your confused) well my point is I still love records i like sitting down and getting to know an album and i finally know sky blue sky.

I have to admit that while crtisim from critics(duh) does not phase me the quick to condem wilco fans kinda hurt my feelings(re-instate jay bennet?) Wilco is a band of substence and if any one deserves our patients its Jeff Tweedy(wilco lyrics underated i just threw up) for those of you who just want wilco to rock great news theres a peotic bar band album called a.m and how lucky are we that uncle tupelo exists(when time goes on as it does will see how jeff tweedy is the neil young of the alternative generation case in point buffalo springfield-uncle tupelo two songwriters both talented one stuck in tradition) and then being there, music looking to the sky maybe the first fully realized wilco album

when they discoverd pretending is fun and they do a great job pretending to be there record collection as the story goes jeff decided what he once was isnt what he wants to be anymore when he let jay bennet take the reigns and bloom the best wilco record of the 90s. Finally reaching maturation wilco creates a classic the long delayed american answer to brit pop yankee hotel foxtrot is simply perfect Jeff left polished pop and took a hammer to his lyrics jay whent the other way wilco broke up really they did! YHF was the peak it gave purpose to summerteeth and being there and then of course a ghost was born(my current favorite wilco record) its scarry and childish and sounds like lightning hit On the beach(im so clever)man how lucky are we. Okay so those of you who are still with me honestly thanks for reading and heres my point Sky blue Sky is the first record of a band and how sweet it is. I love how rhythm of this album allows the guitars to breath which leads to my sky blue sky listening guide


1.listen to the rhythm(especialy shake it off) this is not a guitar rock album(i think alot of us feel the next record will be a guitar freakout record)

2.if you feel like singing a song and you want other people to sing along...(this is wilcos sing along record theres nothing better than singing along to side with the seeds

it seems like the spaces inbetween the lyrics are there to allow us to keep up)

3.Like the last three wilco records this is a lyric based album a song based album( how awsome is you are my face the first verse is jeff as a tenager in a family tree and the last is jeff as a husband in a family tree...our voices lift so easily...oh so its not just my parents who yell)

4.The sequencing of this album is its true virture and makes it a classic PBPWM starts off the second half of the record and is a examination of a realtionship and an attempt to simply

understand, perfect, this goes into Hate it Here the humorus take on the end of this realtionship the end that never happend it also seems like its lyricaly conected to ALTWYS

then like the title track LMLYFM goes back in time, to when the realtion ship began meeting that person who might be lonely to and this is all important because it justifies Walken.

5. Walken always confused me but its now clearly a look back to when he realizes that...honey your just right...long before honey kisses clouds of fluff

6. On and On and On , if sky blue sky is a movie then this song is the exit music to a film it neatly closes the album with the returning violins from either way.


i truly love this record i love to turn it loud and sing along it made me apriciate AGIB and i cant wait for the next record to make evreyone realize the gem that is Sky blue Sky

okay enough talking, any thoughts?

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I really do hate hype ,you know those no point sentences about albums, well for us who are part of this internet culture of music it bleeds into our records and even when the hype is good its bad but still i love neon bible (okay now your confused) well my point is I still love records i like sitting down and getting to know an album and i finally know sky blue sky.

I have to admit that while crtisim from critics(duh) does not phase me the quick to condem wilco fans kinda hurt my feelings(re-instate jay bennet?) Wilco is a band of substence and if any one deserves our patients its Jeff Tweedy(wilco lyrics underated i just threw up) for those of you who just want wilco to rock great news theres a peotic bar band album called a.m and how lucky are we that uncle tupelo exists(when time goes on as it does will see how jeff tweedy is the neil young of the alternative generation case in point buffalo springfield-uncle tupelo two songwriters both talented one stuck in tradition) and then being there, music looking to the sky maybe the first fully realized wilco album

when they discoverd pretending is fun and they do a great job pretending to be there record collection as the story goes jeff decided what he once was isnt what he wants to be anymore when he let jay bennet take the reigns and bloom the best wilco record of the 90s. Finally reaching maturation wilco creates a classic the long delayed american answer to brit pop yankee hotel foxtrot is simply perfect Jeff left polished pop and took a hammer to his lyrics jay whent the other way wilco broke up really they did! YHF was the peak it gave purpose to summerteeth and being there and then of course a ghost was born(my current favorite wilco record) its scarry and childish and sounds like lightning hit On the beach(im so clever)man how lucky are we. Okay so those of you who are still with me honestly thanks for reading and heres my point Sky blue Sky is the first record of a band and how sweet it is. I love how rhythm of this album allows the guitars to breath which leads to my sky blue sky listening guide


1.listen to the rhythm(especialy shake it off) this is not a guitar rock album(i think alot of us feel the next record will be a guitar freakout record)

2.if you feel like singing a song and you want other people to sing along...(this is wilcos sing along record theres nothing better than singing along to side with the seeds

it seems like the spaces inbetween the lyrics are there to allow us to keep up)

3.Like the last three wilco records this is a lyric based album a song based album( how awsome is you are my face the first verse is jeff as a tenager in a family tree and the last is jeff as a husband in a family tree...our voices lift so easily...oh so its not just my parents who yell)

4.The sequencing of this album is its true virture and makes it a classic PBPWM starts off the second half of the record and is a examination of a realtionship and an attempt to simply

understand, perfect, this goes into Hate it Here the humorus take on the end of this realtionship the end that never happend it also seems like its lyricaly conected to ALTWYS

then like the title track LMLYFM goes back in time, to when the realtion ship began meeting that person who might be lonely to and this is all important because it justifies Walken.

5. Walken always confused me but its now clearly a look back to when he realizes that...honey your just right...long before honey kisses clouds of fluff

6. On and On and On , if sky blue sky is a movie then this song is the exit music to a film it neatly closes the album with the returning violins from either way.


i truly love this record i love to turn it loud and sing along it made me apriciate AGIB and i cant wait for the next record to make evreyone realize the gem that is Sky blue Sky

okay enough talking, any thoughts?

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yeah - you were pissed (in the English sense) when you wrote that. nice spelling!

oh no definetly not pissed, spelling was a result of writing evreything all at once

i really do just love this record

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thats fair and people who know me would agree...but who cares?


because for those of us who take the time to read and try to understand posts like yours, it hurts the brain


I'm glad you enjoy the album so much :cheers

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I hope the next album is more freak-out-guitar. I love Wilco, and SBS, but some of my favorite stuff by them is the weird stuff (YHF, AGIB). SBS is a nice break from all that, but man... I really want to hear them tear it up.


eh, I could imagine that just being really boring live though...you ever see the Allman Brothers, or any other jam band? ugh.

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I think your review was interesting. Why don't you interepret Impossible Germany for me. I have no clue what is going on in that song.

Oh yah don't pay attention to the spelling and grammar nazis. You got your point across.

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Why don't you interepret Impossible Germany for me. I have no clue what is going on in that song.


Jeff Tweedy said in the Sky Blue Sky DVD this about Impossible Germany:


"It is hinting around where you start to see where it ceases to be impossible when you think about what a country or a place can become. And when does it stop being something unbelieveable and something you can act upon to try and change when you realize that there's something inside of yourself you need to fix. Basically, when do you wake up from denial?"

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I think your review was interesting. Why don't you interepret Impossible Germany for me. I have no clue what is going on in that song.



Jeff has commented on this one and essentially (I think he said) it's about the state of denial and personally emerging from it. My own view is that in the first verse it's on a political and historical level (think 1930s) relating the past to the present (think religious fundamentalism). I read a review of SBS which was particularly scathing about its lyrical content and highlighted the second line of IG, "wherever you go, wherever you land" as the lamest example. However, in the context of the song, for me it's a devastating reference to certain cataclysmic events which took place in the U.S. in 2001. It works because at first it sounds trite and therefore sneaks up. There is an element of frustration (possibly with the American electorate?) in the lines "fundamental problem we all need to face, this is important, but I know you're not listening". The second verse puts the overall theme on a much more personal level. The joyous and lengthy multi-guitar outtro serves to celebrate this, whilst at the same time totally reversing the somewhat gloomy sentiments of the first verse in a classic piece of Wilco context-busting.


I'm sure there are different personal interpretations and it would be interesting to hear them.

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eh, I could imagine that just being really boring live though...you ever see the Allman Brothers

I know musical appreciation is all subjective, but holy cow. I'm gonna go shake my head and mutter to myself for a while. :punch

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I know musical appreciation is all subjective, but holy cow. I'm gonna go shake my head and mutter to myself for a while. :punch


do you really find blues soloing for hours on end the most interesting thing on earth? I like Wilco because the soloing is innovative and strange and tasteful, where the Allman Brothers are just a bunch of old guys indulging in taking turns soloing in an obligatory manner...There's no interesting dynamic occuring out of the jams, just: "You take a solo...okay...my turn now..." while the rest of the band [including the hilarity of having two robotic drummers instead of one actually good drummer] sits on auto pilot, plodding along. For the first few songs this was interesting to watch, but after awhile it just became formulaic, with the occasional surprise watching Derek Trucks play without a pick, still knowing I'd rather watch a crazy, innovative, focused solo for a minute by Jeff or Nels instead of a 5 minute unfocused standard sounding blues solo. They even waited to the encore to bust out 'Jessica' [the song everyone was guaranteed to know] and even then they did a terrible, uninspired job. i guess I just don't really understand how you could appreciate that.

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Your enthusiasm makes up for your writing. Great fan, terrible critic. Only thing that seems silly to me is insisting the band broke up, or that Jay Bennett 'took the reigns'....oh yeah and if YHF is britpop then Blur is post hardcore.


the brit pop comment was suposed to be about the fact that yanke hotel foxtrot was in allot of ways the smile of the alternative generation sorta the way brian wilson wanted

to take orchastrated pop and make it distinctly american as aposed to the very british srgt peppers saying jay took the reings might be false but the lyric sheet for summerteeth make it seem like wow jay played alot of instraments, i kinda always looked at summerteeth as jeff kinda giving jay the power that he left over... and yea ur right insiting the band broke up was preti stupid, okay thank you evreyone for the replies...next time out ill keep in mind that whole spell check thing

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do you really find blues soloing for hours on end the most interesting thing on earth? I like Wilco because the soloing is innovative and strange and tasteful, where the Allman Brothers are just a bunch of old guys indulging in taking turns soloing in an obligatory manner.

Well, I can't really rebut a Wilco vs ABB comparison without sounding critical of Wilco, which isn't my intention, so I won't. Suffice it to say, though, I disagree. Very different styles and approaches to playing, so in a lot of ways its apples to oranges. Why do you hate oranges? :lol

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Jeff has commented on this one and essentially (I think he said) it's about the state of denial and personally emerging from it. My own view is that in the first verse it's on a political and historical level (think 1930s) relating the past to the present (think religious fundamentalism). I read a review of SBS which was particularly scathing about its lyrical content and highlighted the second line of IG, "wherever you go, wherever you land" as the lamest example. However, in the context of the song, for me it's a devastating reference to certain cataclysmic events which took place in the U.S. in 2001. It works because at first it sounds trite and therefore sneaks up. There is an element of frustration (possibly with the American electorate?) in the lines "fundamental problem we all need to face, this is important, but I know you're not listening". The second verse puts the overall theme on a much more personal level. The joyous and lengthy multi-guitar outtro serves to celebrate this, whilst at the same time totally reversing the somewhat gloomy sentiments of the first verse in a classic piece of Wilco context-busting.


I'm sure there are different personal interpretations and it would be interesting to hear them.


i completley agree with this impossible germay interpratation, its funny though how allot of jeff tweedys songs have a social landscape but at the same time

they are just about him...and the things in his head :dontgetit the constant refrences of war on yhf always seemed to be about an internal war, war on war seems like

a war on the war in his head, i especially love the line from pot kettle black i have found a real rival in myself...i think imposible germany can be interprated equally botth ways which makes its a really human song

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