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As I said, shortcomings as perceived by him. As I also said, it's fair game to criticize him for the content of his assertions. I'm not about to defend that particular comment by him. My point is only that it's possible for a man to utter such a ludicrous and paranoid statement and still be a friend to America overall.



The crazy friend who drinks all your beer, screws your girlfriend and wrecks your car.

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So far, Hillary is creaming Barack in Ind.

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So far, Hillary is creaming Barack in Ind.

18% difference with only 6% in, not worrying too much yet. i expect her to win, but it'll be very close


edit: now 12% difference with 8% in :)

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The crazy friend who drinks all your beer, screws your girlfriend and wrecks your car.


This doesn't suprise me. Indiana is a state that is so stuck in the past and can't think outside the box. To steal a line from James McMurtry The "Mason Dumbass" line should be moved to about Lafayette.

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This doesn't suprise me. Indiana is a state that is so stuck in the past and can't think outside the box. To steal a line from James McMurtry The "Mason Dumbass" line should be moved to about Lafayette.

I prefer to call it the "Manson/Nixon" line, but that's just me. :stunned


I think Lou was right - Wright has definitely hurt Barack, especially in states where the overwhelming majority of voters are white. I posed this question to deepsea a week or so ago: would Iowa have been the big win for Barack if the Wright fiasco had come out, say, around NYE? With a 97% white voting public? I kind of doubt it.

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He may be a friend to America, but he's not one that should be taken seriously. He's either dishonest or delusional, neither of which is a good quality for a spiritual leader. Enter Treehugger to point out that all spiritual leaders are delusional. :thumbup


Thats fine, and your assement problebly makes total sense from your viewpoint but again my main agrument is this is all a farce in reality Wright is not guilty of any of the things you and the media acuse him of. Many of the "contraversial" things he has said were also the viewpoint of one Martin Luther King and he was called insane aswell.


As for Obama coming around on this, you must be the delusinal one if you believe that was anything but a political move after the firestorm of media lies.

As for whether Wright sould be taken seriously many respected thinkers came to his defence inclding Cornel West, so you know I'll say it again this is all insane.

Wright is not a hate speaker, prove me wrong and a loud black voice dosent qualify hes a preacher what do you espect, duh.


seriosuly this is all retarted, I have no problem coming to this mans defense so much spin Im dizzy, blah

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A lot of the stuff he has said has some merit, but AIDs being created by the government is ridiculous.

it's ridiculous, but it's a lot more common belief than people think...

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it's ridiculous, but it's a lot more common belief than people think...

Yes. The belief that the birth control pill was created for the purpose of limiting black population growth also exists.

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As for Obama coming around on this, you must be the delusinal one if you believe that was anything but a political move after the firestorm of media lies.


That's impossible. Obama is a new kind of politician. He's above all that. He represents C-H-A-N-G-E.


As for whether Wright sould be taken seriously many respected thinkers came to his defence inclding Cornel West, so you know I'll say it again this is all insane.

Wright is not a hate speaker, prove me wrong and a loud black voice dosent qualify hes a preacher what do you espect, duh.


Cornel West!?! :rotfl I guess I have to take back all my previous statements. I didn't realize such a distinguished thinker was defending Wright.


seriosuly this is all retarted, I have no problem coming to this mans defense so much spin Im dizzy, blah


Then stop spinning.

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50% in, HRC by 10.


Regarding West - being a prof at both Harvard and Princeton hardly makes him a goofball, even if you don't agree with his philosophy.

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Regarding West - being a prof at both Harvard and Princeton hardly makes him a goofball, even if you don't agree with his philosophy.


I'm just amused that his support of Wright is somehow supposed to sway me. It would be like me name-dropping Karl Rove and expecting you to agree with me.

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True. Whatever side of the spectrum you're on, being divisive has no place anymore (if it ever did) in this country.


Barack just gave a speech in NC, and my wife got pretty choked up. I know in my heart I made the right decision today.

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It's down to 4%, with 80% in.

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The Lake County results (county right next to chicago) are going to push this one to the wire

Cmon Gary!

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So Hillary said that her apparent Indiana victory broke the tie in the race? Is this true? Can someone who watched the speech confirm that this was not taken out of context?

She is officially delusional. I think her meh showing in Indiana is the beginning of the end, but unless her money runs out, she's going to take this all the way to Denver.

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mountainbed, you guys kept it close, and although she remained cool, calm, and collected....it turns out it was a virtual tie.

1,253,000 votes - HRC by around 22K. Wow guys. That was a mind-blower.

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